Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3333: Thousands of gods who have shot one after another


Terrible power surged in the chaos, and the void opened numerous deep cracks, spreading like a spider web.

Immediately afterwards, the void shattered and turned into a billowing chaotic turbulence.

Vaguely you can hear the wailing of the gods and soldiers, and the desperate cry of the death of a **** and demon.

Drops of blood dripping from the void.

This is the blood of different phases, which originated from the blood produced after the destruction of all kinds of different phases. If a quasi emperor can obtain it, it may be able to get a glimpse of the mystery of the emperor realm.

Not to mention directly breaking into the emperor realm, at least there is no problem in cultivating the quasi-emperor extreme realm.

"Hahaha! What a kid, good boxing, good will."

The black-haired man laughed and couldn't help but praise Qin Yi.

In the fight just now, Qin Yi's strength exceeded his expectations, and he actually failed to win Qin Yi, losing a lot of face.

What surprised him even more was that during the fight, he could clearly perceive that Qin Yi's combat power was getting stronger and stronger, and this feeling was like Qin Yi was gradually getting acquainted with his own power.

"This kid actually uses this king as a sharpening stone?"

The black-haired man condensed his eyes and looked at Qin Yi with a smile.

He was not as angry as the Taoist Taixu, but felt a little interesting. In his identity and status, he has cultivated into the quasi-tianzun realm for more than a dozen epochs.

Among the quasi-tianzun, qualifications are not considered to be a veteran, but after all, he is a quasi-tianzun. No matter who faces him, he dare not be underestimated.

Not to mention, dare to use His hand to sharpen oneself.

However, it is precisely because of this that he actually admires Qin Yi. In such a battle, he dare to use their hands to sharpen himself, not a madman, or a person who has full confidence in himself.

Seeing Qin Yi, he couldn't help but remember that when he had just become an emperor in the past, he was as arrogant as Qin Yi. Soon after he became an emperor, he dared to invite three veteran emperors to use their hands to help him get acquainted with the power of the emperor realm. .

However, he is far less bold than Qin Yi.

Facing the ninth realm, the overlord of the heavens also dared to do so.

For a time, a trace of pity rose in his heart.

"Unfortunately, this kid did this, undoubtedly completely offending the old ghost Taixu."

The black-haired man Yu Guang glanced at the frosty Taoist Taoist, and couldn't help but shook his head.

As the opponent of Taixu Taoist, he knows Taixu Taoist very well, and naturally he also knows the temper of Taixu Taoist.

This way Qin Yi inevitably made Taixu Taoist angry.

With the spirit of the Taoist Ethereal, how could a junior think so?

Moreover, the old ghost of Taixu was originally the son of the gods of the Ten Thousand Paths of Gods, and he hoped to inherit the position of the gods of the Ten Thousand Paths of Gods. If he offends the old ghosts of Taixu, he will naturally offend those who support the old ghosts of Taixu.

For example, the clones of these heavenly overlords behind him.

"The Xiao Xiao thief is so bold and bold, and offends the coercion of my ten thousand gods, you should be punished!"

Sure enough, after the black-haired man pushed away, the overlords of the heavens jumped out impatiently and showed their loyalty to the Taoist Taixu.


A huge momentum suddenly erupted from several people.

All kinds of paradoxes bloomed all over them, and the breath of terror swept across the nine heavens and ten places, pressing on Qin Yi like a stormy sea.

As if to directly press Qin Yi into meat sauce, Qin Yi's expression also became solemn, constantly urging the power of the Heavenly Dao clone to counter many overlords.

Although these powerhouses are not as powerful as the Taixu Taoist and the black-haired man, their strength is far lower than the Taixu Taoist, but they are better than the large number.

Five giants comparable to the eighth realm, their combined might surpass a ninth realm overlord.

Not to mention, the deities of these five giants are the overlords of the heavens, and they are not inferior to the real overlords of power.

It is a true ninth realm overlord of the heavens, facing these five giants will also feel tricky.


One of the giants holding a picture scroll coldly snorted, shaking the picture scroll in his hand, and a star and sea chart slowly spread out.

On the picture scroll, countless stars rise and fall among them, blooming with dazzling light.

At a glance, the number of stars even exceeded ten million!

This is not a real star, but a star that has been refined into the world, each weighing more than a billion catties, enough to kill a quasi emperor.

Thousands of stars smashed down together, as if to smash the heavens!

Obviously, this is a high-end imperial implement, and even among the high-end imperial implements, it can be counted as top-grade, not inferior to Qin Yi's eternal immortal furnace.


A simple push down on the Xinghai Atlas Scroll will crush the void of tens of millions of miles, squeeze the layers of time and space, and fall down.

It seems that the world and the earth, the heavens and everything in front of it, are all vulnerable.

This doesn't make sense at all, it's purely using force to crush people, with the weight of thousands of worlds, to crush everything in the world.

Although these worlds are just small worlds, after the refinement of this giant, plus so many numbers, the horror is enough to change the color of the giant.


Qin Yi snorted softly, bowed and made a fist again, breaking through the heavens with a fist and spear again.

The figure soared into the sky, and the whole person was like nothing more than a sharp gun, rushing into the scroll of the stars and sea, and resisted the blow abruptly.

"Come here!"

Another giant stepped forward, holding the divine sword in his hand, cutting down the river of sword energy.

A giant picked up a furnace tripod and smashed it directly in the air.

A giant roared, killing intent like a sea, and the acupuncture points of the whole body lit up, as if it had connected the entire world, with an amazing fist.


A large number of giants used their own methods to attack Qin Yi.

"Come! Come! Come!"

Qin Yi's complexion was indifferent and ruthless. Although he was besieged, the strength of these giants could not be underestimated, but he was not in the slightest fear.

The back was straight like a dragon, and the blood in his body was surging continuously, and the magnificent blood spread out, triggering the vision of the Nine Heavens God Emperor.

It's still that type of fist and spear that breaks the heavens!

No matter what methods many giants use, he takes it for granted!


Pieces of emptiness collapsed one by one, and the worlds were opened up by terrifying power, and then they were shattered into nothingness.

The chaos within a radius of tens of thousands of miles was instantly emptied, and there was nothing left in it.

Even the chaotic essence was annihilated by the aftermath of a few fights.

At this time, the great emperor and other tycoons of Eastern Xinjiang didn't even have the desire to intervene, and they were supporting the strong under his command and retreating again and again.

At this time, they sadly discovered that the leader of this battle is no longer them.

If they voluntarily intervene in this battle and are hit by the aftermath, they will not die and will be seriously injured.

"How could this Lord of the Fallen Lord be so powerful?"

The giants of Dongjiang do not understand this.


In their horrified gaze, Qin Yi gradually suppressed a group of powerful men!

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