Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3334: Qin Yi is stronger than ever


Qin Yi screamed from the sky, and the chaotic turbulent flow of tens of thousands of miles around the sky boiled instantly, swept away by the shock of the huge sound wave.

The mighty energy and blood soared into the sky like spirits and wolves, flooding the surrounding void, constantly colliding with the power of several giants.




Thousands of collisions occurred every ten millionths of a breath.

Only a few aftermaths escaped slightly, just like countless thunders exploding in the chaos, I don't know how much time and space has been shattered.

"Bring it to me!"

Qin Yi stomped his feet, his blood was burning, and the tyrannical force erupted from his body, squeezing the void of his body into a whine.

at the same time.

He pinched a fist mark with his right hand, and it was still that fist and spear that broke the heavens!

In the next moment, Qin Yi's figure moved slightly, and in a flash, he pierced through a million miles of chaos and penetrated the vast sea of ​​stars.


As soon as they were in contact, thousands of stars were broken, penetrated by the strong and overbearing power, and exploded into countless fragments.

Jol, was wiped out by the horrible aftermath again, leaving nothing behind.

The torrent of billowing fists is like a galaxy inverted, colliding with the vast sea of ​​stars, shattering one after another, and shaking the entire star-sea map scroll.

That scroll of stars and seas all made a low groan overwhelmed.

The whole picture was unbearable shaking, as if it might not be able to bear it at any time, and it would break directly.

"Damn it! What's the matter with this kid, how can he become stronger as he fights!"

Dao Monarch Xinghai, who controls the Star Sea Atlas, was secretly surprised and complained.

He thought that the five of them could work together to suppress this kid, and it was Qin Yi who fought against Taoist Taixu and King Baiwu successively, and did not let the wind fall.

But after all, there are five of them, and they are in the same army, often teaming up against the enemy, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly.

The five clones work together, even if the overlord of the heavens is face to face, they are confident that they can defeat it and suppress the other side.

But I didn't expect that facing the so-called Unfalling Emperor in front of me, I couldn't take it down, and even felt that he couldn't hold it back.

The opponent is just like a monster born for boxing, the exaggerated speed of improvement, even he is dumbfounded.

Had it not been for the help of the other four giants, he had no doubt that he had been defeated by Qin Yi at this moment.

Not only Xinghai Daojun was astonished, but the crowds of onlookers and magnates of Eastern Frontier were also astonished, showing unbelievable expressions one after another.

"This... Qin Yi's strength is so powerful!"

The great emperor swallowed with difficulty, fearing in his heart.

He didn't expect Qin Yi to fight against the powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire to such a degree, and even once suppressed the power of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire.

It's hard to imagine!

If before this battle, who had told him that Qin Yi would be so strong, he would probably laugh to death, and would never believe it.

After all, in the eyes of the Dongjiang magnates, Qin Yi is just a newcomer. If it weren’t for worrying about the giants of the heavens behind the imperial dynasty, they would have worked together to level the imperial dynasty.

Even if Qin Yi showed the strength of severely wounding the Great Emperor Richen, many giants only paid a little attention to Qin Yi.

Whether it is Emperor Richen or other giants such as Emperor Daxiang, this is all true.

After all, many giants think that they are existences that have survived from ancient times, and their years of cultivation and cultivation are far above Qin Yi.

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