Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3335: Black Dragon Daojun's Thoughts

The accumulation of time has allowed a lot of giants to accumulate too much capital.

Even when they were suppressed into the Great Avenue of the Heavens, the giants did not stop practicing. Although they could not improve their own cultivation, they could deduce magical powers and secret methods.

With their wisdom, more or less gains.

The trump cards in the hands of the giants and the means to master them are not comparable to those of a junior.

For example, the Great Emperor once pushed for a magical power, with his own avenue as his arm, forcibly drawing the power in the chaos, in order to burst out more tyrannical power.

If he uses this technique, he can even explode with a power comparable to that of a giant in the eighth stage, which is not unreasonably tyrannical.

When he created this magical power, he was quite contented. Such magical powers that can forcibly elevate one level of combat power are also scarce among the major forces.

However, it now appears that this magical power can be said to have no effect in this battle, and it is because he has used this magical power, and the combat power is so high that it is only comparable to the giants of the eighth stage.

Anyone who is a strong man in the kingdom of ten thousand gods, his combat power is enough to crush him.

Not to mention, Taixu Taoist and the Baiwu King.

This battle is no longer for Him and the many giants of Eastern Xinjiang.

Whether it was Qin Yisheng or the victory of the Ten Thousand Dao Gods, the opportunity in the Eastern Frontier was not something they could intervene.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to giants such as the Great Emperor.

Among the giants, the Dark Dragon Daojun's eyes were condensed, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

At the beginning, he also didn't have much confidence in Qin Yi, even if he did, he had faith in the possible overlord of the heavens behind Qin Yi.

It's just that he didn't expect that without the overlord of the heavens behind Qin Yi, Qin Yi's own combat power would have reached such an astonishing level.

With one's own strength, he has taken down five powerful men of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty.

The strength displayed by it is not inferior to that of an overlord of the heavens.

‘Maybe, it’s okay to hand the Eastern Frontier into its hands, at least it’s better than falling into the hands of Ten Thousand Dao Gods. ’

Heilong Daojun glanced at Taixu Dao Ren and other powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, and there was a hint of hatred in his eyes.

Few strong people know that not only does he not want the strong from other realms to intervene in the affairs of the Eastern Frontier, but he also hates the Ten Thousand Dao Gods.

Long before he became enlightened, he had heard from a giant of the heavens at the gate of the seven prisons, and this giant of the heavens died in the hands of an overlord of the empire of the gods.

Although the giant of the heavens at the gate of the seven prisons never brought him under the sect, or even pointed him, he did so casually, but the Black Dragon Daoist has always regarded the giant of the heavens at the gate of the seven prisons as a mentor, right. He has the grace of enlightenment.

Therefore, He does not have a good impression of Ten Thousand Dao Shenchao.

Qin Yi showed strong combat power this time, and he naturally favored Qin Yi.

Thinking about this, the Black Dragon Daoist approached the eternal clone without a trace, and approached the powerhouse in his eyes that did not fall into the emperor dynasty.

And when the Black Dragon Daoist moved, the emperors of the Eastern Frontier were already stunned.

If Heilong Daojun and other giants were just shocked, all the Eastern Frontier emperors could not say anything at this time.

The Ancient Desolate Emperor was even more embarrassed, only feeling that his old face was a bit unbearable.

When the Taoist Taixu appeared, he had already asserted that Qin Yi and the Emperor Buluo Dynasty would be defeated, who would have thought that Qin Yi was so fierce.

The Taoist Taixu and King Baiwu were stopped one after another, and a group of powerful men from the dynasty of the gods together besieged Qin Yi, but also failed to take Qin Yi down.

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