Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3336: King Shirasaki, the four great kings

Every time Qin Yi stopped a strong man from the Ten Thousand Ways of God, it was like a slap on his face, making the ancient emperor extremely embarrassed.

The many emperors on the side also looked at the ancient emperor with weird expressions.

If it hadn't been for the time when the Ancient Desolate Emperor was enlightened, and Chen Mansion was extremely deep, I am afraid that he would be so ashamed at this moment that he would like to find a crack in the ground and get in.

Of course, these are all jokes.


With the face of the ancient desolate emperor, this embarrassment was concealed with a light cough: "The strength of the emperor is beyond the old man's estimate, but it is limited to this."

"Don't look at him, at this moment, he is on all sides, pressing against the powerhouse of Ten Thousand Ways of God, but in fact he is already standing on the edge of the cliff."

The Great Emperor Guhuang sighed lightly, putting on a look of compassion and compassion.

"Master Ancient Desolate, what's the explanation for this?"

The Dongjiang emperor on the side couldn't help asking.

Judging from the current situation, Qin Yi took the absolute initiative, and even the five powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, including Daojun Xinghai, joined forces, and they were all suppressed by Qin Yi.

This kind of strength is the intervention of Taoist Taixu and King Baiwu, and it doesn't necessarily help Qin Yi.

After all, with Qin Yi's displayed strength, it may be difficult to defeat the powerhouse of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, but there is no problem with self-protection.

Qin Yi didn't look like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, so all the emperors of Eastern Frontier would be surprised.

"King Tai Xu, as the prince of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire, do you think he only has this method? After all, this one is the heir of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lord."

The Ancient Desolate Emperor smiled, and said with a point.


As soon as this statement was made, the expressions of the emperors were dreadful, and their faces were solemn.

At any time, the so-called second generation is an existence that is envied by others. A child of the heavenly sovereign has almost stood at the top of the heavens and all realms since birth.

Bloodlines, cultivation techniques, supernatural powers... all these are inherited from the heavenly venerable, and they are far better than those of the emperors of casual cultivators.

Not to mention, if he can win the favor of Tianzun, Tianzun may give his children unimaginable benefits.

Besides, the Taoist Taixu himself is the prince of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty. How could he not have a hole card?

"Moreover, King Baiwu is not a good-looking character. You must know that this one is one of the four great kings who have passed the name of the gods to the heavens!"

The Ancient Desolate Emperor was extremely satisfied with the surprise of the emperors, and then he threw another blockbuster.

"One of the four kings?!"

At this moment, the shock on the faces of the emperors of the East could no longer conceal them.

The emperor is superior and inferior, and both are Zhuntianzun, and naturally there are superior and inferior.

Although they are in the same realm, there is a huge gap in the combat power between different powerhouses due to cultivation techniques, magical powers, secret methods, emperor soldiers, etc.

The so-called four kings are the top quasi-tianzun among the ten thousand gods.

Retained by the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, he became the king of Ten Thousand Ways of God, ranking above the other quasi-heavenly deities, second only to the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways.

Under one person, above hundreds of millions of people!

King Baiwu was able to stand out among the many quasi-tians of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire, becoming one of the only four kings. It is conceivable how terrifying his strength is.

Because of this, King Baiwu dared not give the face of Taoist Taixu.

Even faintly competing with it.

"King Taixu and King Baiwu, how can the strength of such two powerhouses be as simple as what they just showed?

What if the emperor is not strong enough? "

The ancient emperor stroked his beard lightly and sighed.

The emperors of Eastern Frontier nodded with deep approval.

"Look, King Taixu has done it!"

Suddenly, the Great Emperor Guhuang's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

Many emperors followed the direction he pointed and looked towards the battlefield, and they saw the gloomy Taoist Taixu, who suddenly took a step forward.


The vast momentum exploded, as if an ancient **** king rose slowly.

Obviously, this prince of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty was really angry!

In such a situation, how can Taixu Taoist not be angry?

Not only did Qin Yi use him as a sharpening stone, his supporters joined forces to attack Qin Yi, but failed to take Qin Yi down, and instead was suppressed by Qin Yi.

These undoubtedly made the Taixu Taoist lose his face, how can he accept it for his arrogant heart.

"This little guy is difficult."

King Baiwu glanced at the Taoist Taixu and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

If Qin Yi hadn't offended the Taoist Taixu, he wouldn't mind helping him out, putting him under his command, and adding a capable man to his family.

It's a pity that Qin Yi offended the Taoist Taixu too much, and even he was not easy to speak and beg for him.

Although he had not dealt with the Taoist Taixu for a long time, he had to retreat from the Taoist Taixu who was furious.

Not that it can't, but it's not worth it.

"Qin Yi, don't hesitate to kneel down for this king!"

Taoist Taixu's expression was cold, his right hand was slightly raised, his five fingers spread, and the radiant splendor flowed down slowly.

This palm looks ordinary, but it seems that you can see the stars, mountains, rivers and mountains, the world revolving, all things Qingming... It seems that there are endless worlds that are born and die in the palm.

A palm fell, and the chaotic void suddenly sank for hundreds of millions of miles, as if this void could not bear the weight of this palm.

The invisible air machine hangs down, covering all directions, freezing all changes in time and space.

Just like Qin Yi's previous methods, he seems to have the shadow of Time and Space Avenue!


The speed of the palm falling seems extremely slow, but in fact it is so fast that it is unimaginable.

Even Qin Yi didn't notice for a while, and when he returned to God, this palm was already close to 100,000 miles in front of him. Such a distance was fleeting for a supreme overlord of the heavens.


Depressed by the majestic and incomprehensible force, the void where Qin Yi was humming and trembling constantly, this chaos seemed to be broken.

Qin Yi's breathing couldn't help but stagnated, his figure stagnating in chaos.

Seeing that this palm is about to fall on him, and he has no time to resist, after all, the power Qin Yi uses now is not the power controlled by his own deity, but with the help of Heavenly Dao clone.

Although the Heavenly Dao clone is his clone, to the deity, it is an external force after all, and it is impossible to move the heart at will.

What's more, the realm of Qin Yi's deity has not reached the level of the overlord of the heavens.

Being deliberately attacked by Taoist Taixu, naturally he couldn't react.

However, Qin Yi did not react, but someone did.

"Huh! Xiao thief, dare to attack the emperor, you want to hurt the emperor, you must pass the level of my grandson first!"

An unruly voice sounded, shaking the universe.

next moment.

A ray of dazzling golden light floated abruptly in front of Qin Yi.

In the golden light, there is a vague figure looming in it.

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