Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3337: Monkey King shot

Jin Hui was shining, floating in front of Qin Yi like a cloud of smoke.

A vague figure was looming in it, and when you looked closely, it was a monkey seven feet up and down, not too tall.


The monkey stepped out and stepped out of Jinhui, revealing its appearance.

Wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings and gold chain mail, he walked with lotus roots under his feet. With a wave of his hand, his cloak spread out like flames.

The monkey is holding a red gold wishful golden hoop, his expression is as indifferent as a stone, and his brows show the pride of the world.

"Those who offend the emperor, kill! Huh, watch and fight!"

Monkey King's eyes bloomed with infinite divine glory, shining on the heavens.

The vast and domineering voice was as straight as billions of stars exploding at the same time, and the terrifying sound blasted through most of the eastern frontier.


next moment.

Monkey King waved the golden hoop in his hand and hit the Taoist Taixu.

The tyrannical force shook the void, as if a towering sacred mountain suddenly fell, smashing away thousands of hectares of chaotic air currents, smashing one space after another.

The domineering and violent aura raged like a tsunami, as if to traverse three thousand realms and break everything in the world.

With one stick, everything that stood in the way will be broken!

"What a monkey!"

The huge aura spread out in all directions, flooding with chaos, making King Baiwu's eyes condensed, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The mere contact of Qi machine made King Bai Wu look at him.

Like the bull demon before, the monkey's cultivation base is not too strong, only the seventh-level cultivation base.

However, the undefeated spirit of looking at the heavens and being undefeated in a hundred battles on his body is extremely rare, and it is almost like an existence born for fighting.

Although they are the giants of the seventh realm, the giants of the ordinary seventh and eighth realms are not an enemy of the monkey in front of them!

Even when he faced the monkey, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

You must know that he is one of the four kings of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, and he can rank in the forefront among the quasi-tians of the heavens and all realms.

If the overlord of the ordinary heavens faced this monkey for the first time, he would be shocked by the monkey.

The Taoist Taixu, who was engulfed by Sun Wu's air force, looked sluggish for a while, his movements stopped, and the whole person stagnated in chaos.

However, Taoist Tai Xu broke away from his momentum soon.

"Such aura, such a grandeur, monkey? A strong man of the Chaotian God Ape Clan? A strong man of the Primordial God Ape Clan?"

Taoist Taixu's thoughts turned sharply.

Among the heavens and all realms, the tribe of the gods and beasts has a large population, some races are large in number, and some races are sparse.

There are only a few sacred beast races like apes.

To the strong within these races, the Taoist Taixu knows a lot, but he doesn't know anything.

After all, the rise of any strong man will go through countless killings before he can surpass the years and become a giant of the heavens.

And as long as it has gone through the killing, it is impossible not to leave a trace.

Unless Tianzun personally wipes it out, it is possible to bury his traces, but as far as he understands, none of the apes and beast races has Tianzun sitting in town.

He had never heard of the bull demon or the monkey in front of him.

It's almost like popping out of a crack in a rock, incredible!

However, Taoist Taixu quickly cut off the distracting thoughts in his heart, no matter what the origin of Monkey King, it is not important now.

The important thing is to suppress it!

The demon monkey dare to be presumptuous in front of Him!

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