Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3344: The fourth overlord

"Fight to the death!"

The roar of the unfailing soldiers seemed to tear the chaos.

Even in the depths of the chaos hundreds of thousands of miles away, a group of Eastern Frontier emperors can hear their voices and touch people's hearts.

Many emperors of Eastern Frontier could not be touched by their expressions.

They can also perceive the terrifying power of King Baiwu's move, and the fall of this palm is enough to kill all the emperors of Eastern Frontiers present.

If they face this blow, the only way is to escape.

Therefore, it is hard for them to imagine that these unfallen soldiers are so arrogant, they dare to launch a counterattack and brazenly attack King Baiwu.

"The mayfly shakes the tree, although it is admirable, but it's overwhelming."

The emperor sighed.

This kind of spirit is worthy of praise, but it is still too ignorant.

"A bunch of idiots!"

The Ancient Desolate Emperor, who was about to leave, was also alarmed and couldn't help but sneered, making no secret of his disdain for all the soldiers who did not fall.

Even Yin Chang, who was about to break through, seemed to him to be stupid. He knew that he was invincible, so why not fall to King Baiwu in exchange for a glimmer of life.

A giant that is about to break through the seventh realm, would not refuse to come to King Baiwu.

Only by surviving can we have a future.

If you can't survive, no matter how high your cultivation base is, no matter how talented you are, it will only be withered bones in the mound.

Just like this strong person who is about to break through the seventh realm, it seems that his cultivation is many times higher than his, but he is still going to die, but he can survive and live well.

This is the difference between choices.

In the face of such an irresistible power of the Ten Thousand Gods, He will decisively take refuge, without any disobedience.

For the Ancient Desolate Emperor, there is no humiliation to take refuge in him, as long as he can survive, he is willing to do anything at all.

This is also the biggest reason why all the emperors of his generation have fallen for so many years, and he can still exist safely, removing the factors of the secret law.

Therefore, in his view, what a ridiculous group of soldiers did.

Maybe it can win the admiration of His people, but there is nothing else.

"After this battle, there will be no more imperial dynasties in the Eastern Frontier!"

The Ancient Desolate Emperor said lightly.

After that, the ancient desolate emperor had no intention of staying anymore. This divine soul clone gradually disappeared, without the intention of continuing to pay attention to this battle.

In his view, this battle is over.

As long as King Baiwu slapped a group of undefeated soldiers with a slap, there was no need to continue the next battle.

These non-fallen soldiers fell, the foundation of the existence of the imperial dynasty had disappeared. Without the support of these soldiers, the strong ones such as Qin Yi would still exist, and the imperial dynasty would survive in name only.

Not to mention, after King Baiwu killed a group of strong ones, he then vacated his hand to attack Qin Yi and others. Whether Qin Yi and others can survive under the encirclement and suppression of the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty will have to ask a question mark. .

The Ancient Desolate Emperor naturally didn't mean to continue to look down.

And just as the ancient emperor was about to leave, and a group of soldiers brazenly went to death, an emperor of Eastern Frontier let out an exclamation.

This startled breath attracted the attention of the Great Emperor Ancient Wilderness, making him look back involuntarily.

It didn't matter at first glance, the entire body of the Great Emperor Guhuang suddenly stagnated, watching the scene in front of him, his mouth opened, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Not only him, but the emperor on the side also has an incredible face, muttering to himself:

"If you don't fall into the emperor dynasty, is there really a fourth overlord of the heavens?"

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