Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3345: One shot

In the chaos, King Baiwu's expression was indifferent, his eyes gleaming like frost.

A group of ants that don't even have the seventh stage are united together, so what can they do, it's just the hobby of the insects before they die.

If he can be defeated by a single blood, wouldn't his countless years of penance have become a joke?


The icy voice blasted the chaos, and the big hand slowly fell.


It was as if the heavens were broken, the sound of the sun and the moon bursting, instantly resounded through hundreds of millions of miles in the void.

The big gesture covering the sky was like breaking a bamboo, tearing apart all the counterattacks of the unfallen soldiers, breaking the black dragon, suppressing the nether giants, and destroying the vast stars.


Moqi and other strong people vomited blood, and the whole person flew out, cracking a series of hideous scars all over his body, which looked particularly hideous.

If it weren’t for most of the pressure to be shared by a group of powerful people, and then linking this piece of void with the formation method, it is equivalent to a group of powerful people who did not fall, plus this piece of void together to withstand the blow of King Baiwu. .

Otherwise, just this collision would be enough to kill Moqi and others.


King Baiwu's attack was not over yet, and he still fell steadily.

It was like a sickle knocked by death, slowly falling.

When this palm fell, it was when Moqi and others died, and there was no change.

"Damn it!"

The unwilling roar of Moqi and others could not change all of this.

Even Yin Chang, who was immersed in the breakthrough, was also affected, and the river of years that emerged from his body trembled violently, as if to shatter.

If this long river of years is broken, it means that Yin Chang has failed to escape the river of years.

It not only means that he failed to break through the seventh realm, but also that he has no chance of surpassing the long river of years in this life.

When each emperor breaks through the seventh realm, he has one and only one chance. If he fails, he will suffer an indelible wound, contaminated with the breath of the long river, and there will be no possibility of breakthrough in the future.

Even, it may hurt the origin, rapidly decline, and then fall!

Generally speaking, if the emperor of the sixth realm wants to break through the seventh realm, he needs a lot of accumulation, and he needs a safe environment for his body to break through.

If Yin Chang breaks through the battlefield like this, it is simply looking for death!

"Old Ghost Yin Chang!"

The magical eye is about to split, but there is no way.

At this moment, don't say that he has been seriously injured, that is, he is not seriously injured, and he cannot stop King Baiwu.

And Qin Yi, Bull Demon King, and Monkey King who were able to stop all of this were blocked by the powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire and the giants of the Eastern Frontier.

A crowd of strong people can only watch this palm fall!


The big hand covering the sky fell down, before it reached Moqi and the others, the storm that was enough to crush the world had fallen down, and it was about to kill Moqi and the others.


At this moment, a faint sigh suddenly sounded.

At the same time, a hazy white light drifted out from the depths of the chaos.

Amidst the white light, one could vaguely see a blood-stained pestle.

The Jiang Mo pestle was wrapped in bright white light, illuminating the chaos of thousands of miles, and went straight to cover the sky with big hands.

Compared with the big hands that cover the sky, this Jiang Mo pestle looks extra slender.


But the next moment.

In the powerful sound of collision, Jiang Mo pestle firmly propped up the big hand covering the sky, preventing it from falling.

All the powerhouses were shocked!

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