Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3346: A monk

A big hand pierced through the heavens, spanning hundreds of thousands of miles of void, occupying everything in the eyes of the strongest, covering the sky and the sun.


In front of a crowd of strong people, there is a descending demon pestle lying in front of them.

One end of this Jiangmo pestle is lantern-shaped, and the other is a three-sided tip. The top of the three-sided tip is stained with a trace of golden blood.

Compared with the big hands, Jiang Mochu looked extremely small and thin, and the two were not in the same order of magnitude at all, and the difference was countless times.

But Jiang Mochu firmly blocked his big hand, preventing it from falling.

This scene made all the strong people stunned.

"what is this?"

Regardless of the many emperors in the Eastern Frontier realm, or the powerhouses in other realms, they looked at Jiang Mochu with a look of uncertainty.

Whose pestle is this?

It must be the overlord of the heavens to block the blow of King Baiwu!

Is there still the overlord of the heavens behind the imperial dynasty?

Thinking of this, the strong people suddenly felt particularly surprised.

The Emperor Buluo Dynasty had three Heavenly Overlord-level combat power, which shocked them, and now there is another Heavenly Overlord, which is simply incredible.

"This Buluo Empire is really hidden, and the four heavenly overlord-level combat power, among the second-rate forces in the heavens and the world, there are few that are deeper than their background."

An overlord of the heavens from the central realm sighed.

Generally speaking, the power with the overlord of the heavens can be called the second-rate power of the heavens and the world, second only to the first-class power and the immortal god-level power.

Such as the power of the heavenly overlord, it is the second-rate power.

But most second-rate forces have one and only one overlord of the heavens, and there are very few second-rate forces that surpass two overlords of the heavens.

It’s easy to understand that every overlord of the heavens is an arrogant person, and few people would be willing to subdue to his people, or share their own authority with his people.

Moreover, the realm of the overlord of the heavens is very special. Every overlord of the heavens has taken the path of the heavens to the extreme, but has not completely gone to the extreme.

Zhu Tianba mainly wants to break through the quasi-tianzun realm, he must practice his own avenue anytime and anywhere, expose his own avenue to the outside, and connect with the avenue in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Two heavenly overlords exist in one power at the same time, which means that the avenues of the two will collide with each other.

This will not only affect one's own understanding of the Great Dao, but it is also possible that one's own body will have a terrible impact on one's own body, Dao, and Mind in the collision of the Great Dao.

Therefore, most of the overlords of the heavens will not coexist in one force.

At least, it won't be so in name.

This kind of operation can be said to be a regular operation in the heavens and all realms.

Even the second overlord of the heavens who has grown up from the same force will also choose to reopen a large force.

It seems unwise, but in fact it is a perfect choice for both parties. Although the overlords of the heavens of the same power can completely reduce the meeting to avoid the collision of the great roads.

But these overlords of the heavens will still choose to create another power for two reasons.

For one thing, both can control one big power separately, without interfering with each other.

Secondly, it is equivalent to doubling the original power, and when one of them completes a breakthrough and steps into the quasi-tianzun realm, the two can integrate the two powers.

To a certain extent, it saves a lot of time needed to develop power.

This has also led to the fact that there are two or more second-rate forces in the heavens and ten thousand realms that are sitting at the same time, which is extremely rare.

Not to mention, there are three, or even four, second-rate forces that are the overlords of the heavens at the same time.

Regardless of the first-rate forces of the heavens and the world, as well as the top forces such as the immortal sacred dynasty and the ultimate gods, the situation of the imperial dynasty can be said to be the only case in the heavens and the world.

What makes this overlord of the heavens feel most strange is the identity of these overlords of the heavens.

"An overlord of the heavens of the monkey-like beast clan, a overlord of the heavens of the ox-like beast clan, and a...Buddha overlord of the heavens?"

The overlord of the heavens looked strange.

Although the overlord of the heavens has not yet appeared, but his identity, many powerhouses are fully aware of it.

Among the heavens and all realms, the only strong man who uses the magic pestle as a weapon is the group of bald donkeys from Buddhism.

The origins of these four heavenly overlords in the Emperor Buluo Dynasty made the powerhouses of the heavens and worlds a little unpredictable.

At the level of the overlords of the heavens, the major forces of the heavens and the world will have records, but the four overlords of the heavens who did not fall into the emperor dynasty, don't say they have seen them, they have never heard of them.

It's incredible!

"Furthermore, what exactly does Buddhism want to do? Since a group of giants in the east have settled on them, why send someone to help the imperial dynasty?

There are strong ones asking questions.

The Great Emperor Jinwu and other giants of eastern Xinjiang hold the Three Realms Treasure Wheel. Many powerful people thought that Buddhism was standing on the side of Jinwu Taoism and other forces.

Now, behind the Buluo Emperor Chao, another Buddhism overlord of the heavens emerged.

This moment made many powerful people a little bit unable to understand the intentions of Buddhism. Could it be that infighting had occurred within Buddhism, and the major forces had guilty?

If so, it would be a good thing for them.

The reason why Buddhism is jealous of all forces in the heavens and all realms is because the inside of Buddhism is like an iron bucket. If anyone takes action against any one of Buddhism, they will inevitably face the suppression of the entire Buddhism.

It is through this method that Buddhism can bring the entire Western Heaven Realm under control and turn it into the pure land of the Buddha Kingdom.

If there is a conflict within Buddhism, it will be good news for all the forces in the heavens and all realms.

However, the specific situation requires further investigation by them.

Many powerhouses pressed their guesses in their hearts and returned their gazes to the battlefield of the Eastern Frontier.

The descending magic pestle was suspended in the chaos, preventing King Baiwu's big hands from falling.

"Buddha's bald donkey?"

King Baiwu's eyes were cold, and his expression instantly became gloomy.

He has never liked Buddhism. Before he became enlightened, he was chased and killed by powerful Buddhists and almost fell into the hands of Buddhism.

Although after enlightenment, he also fought against Buddhism, killing one of Buddhism's overlord of the heavens and several tycoons of the heavens.

But he has not changed his aversion to Buddhism.

"Don't get out yet!"

The icy words engulfed terrifying sound waves, like billions of stars bursting at the same time, vast power swept in all directions.

It seems that the surrounding chaos and void will be overturned.

The power that was enough to tear everything, crushed towards the many powerful people of the imperial emperor.

"Good, good, why bother to persecute the donor?"

At this moment, a helpless sigh came from the depths of the chaos.


At the same time as the sound sounded, a low footstep sounded.

When everyone looked at it intently, they saw a young monk wearing a white monk robe, stepping out of the chaos and void, and walking slowly.

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