Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3352: Dongjiang giants shot

"A bunch of idiots!"

Taoist Taixu held up the sky against Monkey King's stick with one hand, and a ray of divine thought stayed on the body of the great emperor and other giants, and the look of the giants could be seen in full view.

His eyes were indifferent, and there was a touch of teasing deep in his eyes.

How precious is the Nine Heavens Pill of Tribulation?

With the background of thousands of gods, the accumulation of countless epochs, the accumulated nine-day robbery pill is no more than the number of hands.

It is Him, it is extremely difficult to obtain one.

Don't say that he doesn't have the Nine Heavens Breaking Tribulation Pill in his body, or that he does, and he can't give Daxiang the Great Emperor and other giants of eastern borders.

A Nine Heavens Breaking Tribulation Pill, although it is not very useful to him, it is enough for him to cultivate a ninth realm overlord of the heavens.

Such a good thing, he himself is not too small, how could he give it to the Great Emperor and other giants in the east.

How can he feed tigers?

As for the great oath he issued, it was not false, but he played a trick.

The object of the Great Dao Oath is not his deity, but his clone, which has long been separated from his deity. To some extent, it can be regarded as a complete individual, and even the connection between the soul and the origin is also controlled by him. Cut off.

This clone was originally used as a backhand for his rebirth after his fall.

This time, it was just a backlash used by Him to carry the great oath.

At the end of this battle, this avatar was to bear the backlash of the Great Dao Oath on behalf of his deity, and was destroyed by the thunder that fell on the Great Dao of Heavens.

Although this clone is considered precious among his many clones, it consumes a lot of energy and a lot of resources to make it successful.

However, if the Buluo Emperor Dynasty can be destroyed, a single clone is not worth mentioning.

"Hey, dare to get distracted!"

At this time, a violent shout suddenly sounded, shaking the universe.

Immediately afterwards, the golden cudgel smashed through the endless chaotic turbulence, engulfing the sky full of wind and thunder, and hitting Taoist Taixu's head.

Under the incomparably tyrannical force, wherever it went, layers of void shattered and collapsed, turning into a chaotic storm.

This stick is another point stronger than the previous moment!

"Lunatic, those who practice fighting and fighting are all lunatics!"

Taoist Taixu looked gloomy and cursed.

He saw that Monkey King's physical identity could no longer bear the power of his own explosion, and the violent power escaped from Monkey King's body, like an inflated balloon, which could burst at any time.

For the emperor who practiced the way of fighting, this was also a danger.

The emperor who cultivates the way of fighting can continuously raise his own combat power and sublimate to the utmost in battle, but this is not without limits.

This restriction depends on its own physical strength, which is strong enough to carry the ever-increasing strength.

However, no matter how powerful the physical body is, there will always be an upper limit of carrying capacity. If it is exceeded, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of one's own physical body.

In the eyes of Taoist Taixu, Monkey King has reached the upper limit of his physical body carrying capacity, and his physical body is close to the edge of collapse.

With the cultivation base of the seventh stage, the power that can carry the peak of the ninth stage is already extremely astonishing.

If Monkey King continues to climb upwards and breaks Zhuntianzun's realm barrier, his body will probably collapse for the first time.

This is also one of the reasons why Taoist Taixu continued to delay and did not choose to leave.

As long as he drags on, the power of Monkey King rises to the level of quasi-tianzun, or if he drags it for long enough, he does not need to make another move, and Monkey King’s body will collapse prematurely. In this way, he can win without fighting.

However, what he didn't expect was that Monkey King didn't care about his physical state at all.

A stick is more ferocious than a stick, vowing to blow up his clone.


Facing Monkey King's attack, Taoist Taixu did not dare to be indifferent, and with a long roar, various secret methods and magical powers blessed his body and confronted him brazenly.

Although his clone was abandoned by him, before the end of this war, he must hold down Monkey King and not allow him to vacate his hand to deal with the Great Emperor and other giants of eastern borders.


The two collided together, and the two fought each other no less than a million times in an instant.

The violent power stirred up the surrounding area and swept through the void for hundreds of millions of miles.

While the Monkey King continued to collide between the two, the Great Emperor and other giants of eastern Xinjiang finally couldn't bear it and wanted to take action against those who did not fall.

All of the Heavenly Overlord-level combat power of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty could not be freed up and was dragged by other strong men. This was their best mobile phone meeting.

"Wait, whether there is still a hidden powerhouse in the imperial dynasty? If we take a shot, wouldn't it be sent to death?"

Emperor Qingyuan hesitated for a moment, but still spoke.

As soon as this statement was made, the steps of the other giants stagnated at the same time, and a hint of hesitation appeared on their faces.

Although the Nine Heavens Breaking Tribulation Pill is good, it has to be fetched before it can be taken. Now, several giants dare not underestimate the idea of ​​not falling into the imperial court.

Even at the beginning, this idea of ​​several giants has long since disappeared, replaced by a deep fear of the Buluo Emperor.

The appearance of Jin Chanzi made this fear rise to the extreme.

No one knows whether there is any hidden power in the Emperor Buluo Dynasty. If they act rashly, they will just hit the gun.

At that time, not only would he not be able to get the Nine-Day Breaking Tribulation Pill, it would also put himself into a crisis, and it might even take his own life.

In fact, as early as when Jin Chanzi appeared, the Great Emperor Qingyuan had already retreated and wanted to turn around and leave, but the temptation of the Nine Heavens Broken Tribulation Pill was too great, which allowed him to stay.

"Judging from the current situation, there shouldn't be any Heavenly Overlord-level powerhouses hidden in the Buluo Empire, and even if there are, at most they are only the seventh-level or eighth-level giants.

The strength of the eight of us is enough to suppress it! "

The Great Emperor said confidently.

From his point of view, the powerhouses of the imperial dynasty should have already come out. If there were overlords of the heavens behind the imperial dynasty, he might have already taken action at this moment.

For example, if you cooperate with other overlords of the imperial imperial dynasty, and work together to encircle and kill an overlord of the ten thousand gods, the form of the scene can be reversed.

Where will the situation continue to stalemate?

Even, leaving oneself at a disadvantage gives them an opportunity to take advantage of it.

All of this shows the weakness of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty at this moment.

Therefore, the Great Emperor Daxiang was very confident in his own inferences, and his self-confidence also infected the Qingyuan Great and the vacuum Daojun, letting the two giants relax.

However, they did not notice the weird expressions of Qin Yi and others on the side.

Qin Yi almost laughed out loud.

He could see through the idea of ​​the Great Emperor at a glance. According to common sense, there is nothing wrong with the guess of the Great Emperor.

But what the Great Emperor didn't know was that he encountered an unreasonable threat.

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