Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3353: The supernatural powers of the great emperor

Based on the current situation, if Qin Yi allowed the Dilu Temple Spirit to take action, the battle power of the Dilu Temple Spirit would be enough to end the battle.

However, Qin Yi did not do so.

First, Qin Yi wanted to use the hands of Taoist Taixu and others to temper Monkey King, Bull Demon King and others, and promote the cultivation of the Monkey King.

You know, Monkey King and the Bull Demon are not great for their self-improvement because of their own path of cultivation.

On the contrary, they need to fight constantly to temper themselves. For Monkey King and Bull Demon King, the speed of improvement in the battle is much faster than that of penance.

Since arriving in the heavens and the world, neither Monkey King nor the Bull Demon King have encountered a close opponent, and they have finally met one, which can be used to sharpen themselves.

In addition, another reason why Qin Yi did not allow Dilu Temple Spirit to take action was to hide clumsiness.

To solve Taixu Taoist and others, for Qin Yi, it is very simple.

But it was not the goal to solve Taixu Taoist and others. The current opponents of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty had changed from the many giants in the Eastern Frontier to the top powers of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Even if limited by the existence of the avenues and towns, the powerhouses of other realms cannot actually come to the eastern boundary, but the necessary hiding is still needed.

It is impossible for Qin Yi to put all the cards of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty on the bright side, otherwise, the next time he faces the major forces of the heavens and the world, it would be dangerous if he did not fall the Emperor Dynasty.

Furthermore, there may be other strong players spying on this battle,

Therefore, from the very beginning, Qin Yi had no intention of letting Dilu Dianling take action.

Moreover, based on the current situation, there is no need for Dilu Temple Spirit to take action. The three giants such as Daxiang the Great, the Daojun Biluo and others are enough to solve it.

"Everyone, you don't need to keep your hands anymore. Together, we will sack and kill the thieves of the imperial dynasty, and end this battle!"

The great emperor was confident and high, and the power in his body surged wildly.

Vast qi and blood spurted out from his body, without any intention of keeping his hands, and the void of thousands of miles was completely filled with qi and blood.

There seemed to be countless acupuncture points opened all over his body, and a **** from the acupuncture point walked out, and the terrifying power slowly blessed him.

The breath of the Great Emperor Daxiang continued to skyrocket and climbed to a new level.

This is the supernatural power created by the Great Emperor, the God of Three Thousand Apertures!

With the blessing of this supernatural power, the power of Daxiang Great has crossed an extreme and directly climbed to the level of the eighth realm.

In the next moment, the great emperor blasted out with one punch.


This punch is not fancy, fast as lightning, crossing the boundaries of time and space.

The force of fierceness without casting penetrated the layers of void, breaking through the obstacles of the world, and the burst of power was enough to crush hundreds of Zhongqian worlds.

Even if a large world lay in front of it, it was enough to destroy more than half of it.

After all, it is also a giant of the heavens who has been enlightened for countless years. Under the full display, its power is also earth-shattering.

Under this punch, the chaotic aura in the tens of millions of voids was oppressed and rolled in all directions, and anything that stood in front of this punch was penetrated.

The Great Emperor Qingyuan and the vacuum Daoist followed closely, using their own means to kill the strong ones.

Dao Monarch Heilong and Dao Monarch Biluo looked at each other, and they also shot one after another. Only Qin Yi was left on the spot, and there was no intention to act.

In an instant, a torrent of power swept across the universe, terrifying.

All the attacks are flooded towards the place where the strongest of the imperial emperor is not falling!

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