Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3358: Bi Luo, Hong Yuan Zhan Daxiang

If Qingyuan Great Emperor still had a trace of alertness to Black Dragon Daojun, the first moment Heilong Daojun made his move, Qingyuan Great Emperor had already reacted.

Then, the Great Emperor Daxiang never thought from the beginning to the end that Dao Monarch Biluo would take action against him.

You must know that they had already reached an alliance when they were sealed in Zhutian Avenue and signed the Zhutian Avenue contract, and they had cooperated for an unknown period of time.

Therefore, Daxiang the Great was totally unprepared for Daojun Biluo's shot.

Daoist Biluo’s attack had already come before him, and only then did he respond, but it was too late, Daoist Biluo’s attack had already fallen on him.


Daojun Biluo's hand was printed on the back of Emperor Daxiang, and there was no fraud in this blow. Daojun Biluo's power poured out unreservedly, and all fell on Daojun Biluo.


At this moment, the Great Emperor felt a huge horror.

He could feel the horror of Daojun Biluo's attack, without leaving any hands, this was to kill him in one fell swoop.

The violent power raged in his body, and the soul couldn't help but wailed, and some couldn't bear the destruction of this power.

Although Daxiang the Great is now using his magical powers and his strength has climbed to the eighth level, this does not mean that Daxiang the Great is becoming the emperor of the eighth level.

With its physical carrying capacity, it was still a bit unbearable to take a hit from the seventh realm emperor sturdily.

In fact, even if a real eighth-level emperor is hit by a seventh-level emperor, it is likely to be seriously injured or even fall.

Needless to say, he is not really the Great Emperor of the Eighth Stage Emperor.

The Great Emperor could feel that his body was slowly breaking apart, and the turbulent power was violently surging and destroying his body.

"Damn it! Damn it! Bi Luo, are you not afraid that the contract of the heavens won't wait for me to fight back?"

The Great Emperor had a hideous face, and his facial features seemed to have been distorted.

The anger in his heart burned even more fiercely, as if he was about to burn out the void, wishing to tear Daojun Biluo to pieces.

He did not expect that Dao Monarch Biluo would disregard the contract with him, and the punishment for violating the contract with him might not be as terrifying as the great oath.

However, violating the contract of the Great Dao of Heavens will also pay an extremely painful price.

For example, if he violated the contract with Daojun Biluo, Daojun Biluo will be cut off for ten epochs of cultivation.

This is why he is so relieved of the Daoist Biluo.

However, Daojun Biluo still shot him.

"The contract signed by you and me is intended to not be violated without endangering my life. If my life is threatened, I naturally don't have to abide by this contract."

Daojun Biluo has a faint voice.

Compared with the great contract of the heavens, the great oath he just issued has the potential to threaten his life, and he naturally no longer needs to abide by this contract.

While speaking, he and Hong Yuan Daojun killed the Great Emperor together.

In his silence, he even blocked the retreat of the Great Emperor.

"Ah, kill me, you are not qualified!"

The eye of the Great Prime Minister was about to split, and with a long roar, blood was surging up, and the acupuncture points in his body bloomed with brilliance, as if the universe was evolving.

Its strength immediately rose again.

At this time, the Great Emperor can only fight for his life, frantically mobilizing his own strength to fight against the Dao Monarch Biluo and Dao Hong Yuan.

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