Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3359: The desperate Emperor


The Great Emperor's eyes were red, and his eyes were about to bleed.

Acupuncture points all over the body shine brightly, like stars are lit up, blooming with the divine brilliance that belongs to the body, faintly linked together.

In a daze, the body of Emperor Daxiang the Great seemed to have evolved from a vast universe, bursting from the original point, and swelling in an instant.

Expanding at an unimaginable speed, it becomes more and more massive.

Countless stars hang in the universe, forming an endless sea of ​​stars that seems to include everything.

Above each star, you can see a figure sitting cross-legged in it, running the supreme mighty power, and falling down the dazzling stars.

Not only that, some stars exploded directly and turned into purer stars.

These stars gathered together, intertwined, and then burst out suddenly, rushing out of this universe, and falling on the Great Emperor.

With the blessing of the stars Shenhui, the power of the great emperor rose again and again.


Under the crisis of life and death, the Great Emperor also used the method of pressing the bottom of the box.

The Great Emperor Daxiang walked with pure power. After setting foot in the emperor realm, he did not break the laws of his body and opened up the original world. Instead, he integrated the laws of the body into the flesh and enhanced the flesh with the power of the laws.

This is the purest emperor of body refining.

Without cultivating foreign objects, relying only on one's own body to train one's own body into the universe, it can be even stronger than the original world of other emperors.

The stars transformed into the acupuncture points are the most important source of Emperor Daxiang Great. For every broken one, Emperor Daxiang Great needs thousands of years of practice before it can be recast.

And just now, Emperor Daxiang directly destroyed more than ten million stars, which is not worse than the direct burning of more than half of the Origin World by Qingyuan Great.

Even the power gained by the Great Emperor is even more terrifying.

The Great Emperor himself used magical powers to push his body power to the eighth level. In addition, he was also the emperor of body refinement, and his physical body had a stronger carrying capacity.

The power that the Great Emperor can explode at this moment is naturally stronger.

In terms of aura alone, the power of the Great Emperor at this moment has already climbed to the peak of the eighth stage. Although he has not touched the ninth stage, he still stands firmly at the peak of the eighth stage.

"Be careful, this fellow Daxiang is going to work hard!"

Daojun Biluo was pressed by this breath, his expression suddenly changed, and he opened his mouth to remind Daojun Hong Yuan on the side.

In fact, without Daojun Biluo speaking, Daojun Hongyuan also felt the pressure from the Great Emperor, and immediately used the secret method, as if there was a world of swords spreading out behind him.

Pieces of each piece may be murderous, or sharp and unparalleled, or thick as a mountain..., but they also contain powerful swords that rise and fall in that world.

These divine swords flew out one after another, gathered together in accordance with the mysterious patterns circulating in the void, forming one sword formation after another.

Many sword formations seem to be divided, but they also give people a feeling of being integrated, integrating the various laws contained in the divine sword.


Then, the sword formation shook, and countless terrifying sword lights fell.

The sword light is like a sea, slashing the heavens.

For a time, I saw the mighty sword light falling down like a river of heaven, engulfing the supreme mighty power that destroys the world.

It's like a sword world, pressing against the vast universe of stars!

At the same time, Daojun Biluo also concealed his breath and blended into the void, making it impossible for people to trace his traces and wait for an opportunity to attack the Great Emperor.

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