Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3360: The terrible Emperor

Daojun Biluo's figure is erratic, he seems to be standing there, and it doesn't seem to be there, as if separated by countless Chaos Dao.

Void Avenue.

This kind of avenue is most suitable for assassination and can escape into the void at any time.

The body is empty, invisible and invisible!

By means of this method, Biluo Daojun created a good reputation among the giants of Eastern Xinjiang, which made the giants especially jealous.

After all, no matter when an assassin is an existence, people dare not underestimate it.

Not to mention, a giant-level assassin from the heavens who achieved the seventh level by relying on the Void Avenue, even the giants above the eighth level, would be afraid of it.

Daojun Biluo's most impressive record was based on the cultivation base of the seventh realm, severely wounding a giant in the eighth realm, leaving him with an indelible road wound.

Even, let the giant of the eighth stage fall due to Dao wounds after several epochs.

After that war, Lord Biluo had gained a great reputation in the eastern boundary and even in the area near the eastern boundary.

"Bi Luo, you ungrateful person, **** you!"

The Great Emperor felt the locked aura in the void, causing him to burn in his heart, and the stagnant aura could not vent.


The best way to vent your emotions is to fight.

With a long roar, the great emperor greeted Hong Yuan Daojun with a palm.

The moment it punched, it was like an entire universe smashed down in the air, and the mighty fist intent burst out with unmatched power, filling the void.

And through the chaos with the grandeur and domineering force sweeping all things.

This punch is directed at Lord Hong Yuan!

The Great Emperor Daxiang made up his mind to repel Dao Monarch Hong Yuan first, and then went to find the trouble of Dao Monarch Biluo.

Under the current situation, he must solve Daojun Biluo. Otherwise, Daojun Biluo has been locked on him, and it is impossible for him to retreat safely.


Fist strength runs through the chaos, sword light rushes like a sky.

next moment.

The two forces collided together, and amidst the earth-shaking sound, the powerful force spread out in all directions.

The surrounding chaotic void tore open countless cracks, spreading rapidly like a spider web.

The time and space of thousands of miles in a radius of time collapsed and annihilated, and the large formation constructed by countless divine swords also began to collapse.

Even some divine swords can be seen breaking apart.

"not good!"

Daojun Hong Yuan's face changed drastically, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

After all, he underestimated the Great Emperor, the Great Emperor at this moment is already comparable to the peak of the eighth stage, one realm higher than him.

At the Emperor Realm, there is a huge gap between each realm.

One world, one world!

If it weren't for the great emperor, he would use his supernatural powers to forcibly upgrade his body to the eighth level, and he would not be reaching the eighth level.

Otherwise, the sword formation world built by Taoist Hong Yuan would collapse at the first moment of the fight.

Even so, the pieces of imperial-level divine swords that Hong Yuan Daojun treasured were also shattered and shattered into countless fragments.

In just one ten-millionth of an instant, a divine sword with the quality of a low-level imperial weapon exceeding a thousand years was completely transformed into nothingness.

According to Hong Yuan Daojun's estimation, in less than half a breath, all his sword formations will be destroyed, and there will be no more emperor soldiers left.

This is the gap in power!

Sure enough, the Great Emperor Daxiang took a step forward, and under the impact of his powerful qi and blood, the sword formation of Hong Yuan Daojun shattered directly.

Pieces of divine swords of low-level imperial artifacts shot all around.

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