Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3361: The Great Emperor


Pieces of divine swords were wrapped in powerful destructive power and flew out backwards.

Wherever he went, he penetrated one world after another, killing countless creatures. In this level of confrontation, these worlds and the creatures in the world are too fragile.

Even Bai Qi waited for the powerhouses of the imperial dynasty, because of the support of Daojun Biluo and Qin Yi, he was able to avoid this difficulty.

Even so, Qin Yi personally took action to move the Baiqi and other strong people thousands of miles away to avoid being affected by the aftermath.

Otherwise, the aftermath of this battle alone would be enough to wipe out the strong ones who are not waiting for Bai Qi.

You know, Hongyuan Daojun, Biluo Daojun, and the battlefield where Daxiang the Great is fighting, and Bai Qi, etc., are too close to the area where the strong men of the Buluo Empire are located.

Even with the protection of Qin Yi and Biluo Daojun, the Buluo Emperor also lost many soldiers and fell under the influence of the aftermath.

But Hong Yuan Daojun, who faced the punch of the Great Emperor, his face changed wildly, and he had to withdraw, trying to avoid the punch.

However, how could Emperor Daxiang allow him to get what he wished, and immediately followed him, punching Daojun Hongyuan on the center of his eyebrows.

"This power..."

Daoist Hong Yuan could no longer remain calm, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

This fist fell, enough to destroy his soul and body together.

He has a back hand and can be reborn in the clone he arranged in advance, but it may take him hundreds of epochs to rebuild it afterwards.

Dao Monarch Biluo deliberately rescued Dao Monarch Hong Yuan, but he had just approached the area of ​​less than 100,000 miles around Da Xiang Great, and he was noticed by Da Xiang Great.

"Bi Luo, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The corner of Emperor Daxiang's mouth raised, revealing a grinning smile.

For Daxiang the Great, his most defensive opponent is not Dao Monarch Hong Yuan, but Dao Monarch Biluo hiding in the dark.

He, who has worked with Daojun Biluo, has a deep understanding of Daojun Biluo, and likewise, he is more afraid of Daojun Biluo.

Anyone who dares to underestimate Daojun Biluo will pay a painful price, and he will naturally not make such a mistake.

"Bi Luo, I don't know why you betrayed me, but I once told you that as long as you dare to betray me, I will definitely make you pay a tragic price!"

The Great Emperor's voice was chilly, like the cold wind blowing from Jiuyou Hanyuan, freezing into the bone marrow.


The Great Emperor's figure twisted, and then he turned around and punched him.

Infinite energy and blood erupted, engulfing the domineering will to dominate the heavens and smash everything, like a tide of extinction, drowning towards Monarch Biluo.

"not good!"

Daojun Biluo's expression changed, and a chill came to his heart.

With his cultivation base, this punch is death. Although the void of his practice is powerful, it does not have much blessing to his body and soul.

Among the giants of the heavens in the Eastern Frontier, his physical strength can be regarded as the worst grade, unable to withstand the punch of the Great Emperor.

Daojun Biluo made a decisive decision and burned his original world, his figure gradually blurred, merged into the void, and wanted to leave by the Avenue of the Void.

"Hmph, want to escape, where to go!"

However, the Great Emperor snorted coldly, and the powerful qi and blood shook the void, directly forcing Monarch Biluo out of the void.

Then, without changing his fist, he marched towards Daojun Biluo, vowing to kill Daojun Biluo with one punch.

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