Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3367: Taixu Taoist's suffocation

"According to the records of the imperial court, there are three powerful men of the four great kings in the seven prison gates who escaped to the sky, and were not besieged by the strong men of the imperial court. Then, who is the one behind the imperial court?

The spirit of the Heavenly Sovereign Tool of the Seven Prisons? Lin Yandao? Or the Lord Broken Dragon, he has gone one step further in these epochs? "

Taoist Taixu tried to resist Monkey King's attack, and several names flashed in his heart.

For the powerful at the level of the Four Great Kings, the Ten Thousand Dao Gods will naturally have detailed records, plus, Taixu Taoist himself was once the gatekeeper of the seven prison gates, and he knew very well about the powerhouses at the seven prison gates.

After all, there were only a few Zhun Tianzun who survived the Seven Prison Gates.

‘No matter who is behind the imperial dynasty that does not fall, it must be eradicated! ’

Taixu Taoist eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Regarding the remnants of the seven prison gates, the belief that most of the ten thousand dao gods have always upheld is to cut the grass and eliminate the roots, and leave no one behind.

Taixu Taoist is one of them.

Even, to some extent, Taoist Taixu had the most murderous intent on the remnants of the Seven Prisons.

The reason why the Seven Prison Gates was defeated was largely because He stole the treasure of the Seven Prison Gates.

If that treasure still exists, even if the Seven Prison Gates loses to the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods, it will not be possible for them to be broken by the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods, which will damage the seven prison gates' luck.

Therefore, the Seven Prisons Heavenly Sovereign was affected, and the Seven Hell Heavenly Sovereigns were defeated in the confrontation with the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Lords.

Therefore, Taoist Taixu is very clear that for the remaining strong men in the seven prison gates, the person they most want to avenge is him!

If the powerhouses of the seven prison gates are allowed to grow up, they will never mind killing him!

‘The great world of the Eastern Frontier opens up, and the luck that has accumulated for hundreds of epochs bursts out, and it can completely nurture the existence of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

If you continue to allow the Buluo Emperor to occupy the eastern borders and gather Qi Luck, the quasi-tianzun behind the Buluo Emperor can completely use this force to cultivate into the Tianzun, then it will be troublesome! ’

Taixu Taoist thoughts changed sharply.

For him, he has a reason to destroy the imperial dynasty.

For one thing, this is the first time he has accepted the task sent by the emperor since he left customs. If he fails, he will definitely lose his weight in the heart of the emperor.

Both, He will never allow the remnants of the seven prison gates to grow up.

Furthermore, he has a covetous heart for opportunities in the Eastern Frontier.

If he can destroy the Buluo Emperor dynasty, he will be able to settle down in the Eastern Frontier first, perhaps gaining an advantage on the way to compete for the opportunity to become the emperor.

But now, this plan may be frustrated!

‘There are the remnants of the seven prison gates, even if the emperor did it himself, I’m afraid it will be tricky. ’

Taoist Taixu's eyes were cold.

A quasi-tianzun powerhouse of the four great king-sovereign levels, looking at the heavens and all realms, they are countless powerhouses.

Not to mention, placed in the Eastern Frontier.

The avenues in the eastern frontier have not completely disappeared, and the powerhouses of other realms will be suppressed by the avenue of heavens when they enter the eastern border.

The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the suppression.

His father, as a strong man of heaven, if he enters the eastern frontier, he will probably be directly suppressed from the Great Dao of Heaven.

Even with his father's cultivation base, his strength will be suppressed to the level that he has not yet achieved the heavenly sovereign!

In this way, it was his father's face that faced the remnants of the seven prison gates, and he did not necessarily benefit from it, and it might even put his father into a crisis.

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