Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3368: Resolute Taixu Taoist

Tianzun is the most powerful existence in the heavens and all realms.

But it is not impossible for Tianzun to fall. For example, Tianzun of Seven Hells fell because of fighting against the gods of ten thousand ways and leaving indelible injuries.

If a Tianzun falls into weakness, his opponent doesn't mind shooting it.

The father of Taixu Taoist, the God Lord of Ten Thousand Ways, although powerful, is not without opponents.

If the God Lord of Ten Thousand Paths set foot on the Eastern Frontier and caused one's own realm to fall, the rest of the heavens would definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Taixu Taoist did not doubt this at all, so his father must not set foot on the eastern frontier and let himself fall into such a dangerous realm.

Regardless of his father himself, or the Ten Thousand Ways of God, it would not allow similar things to happen.

If the Lord of Ten Thousand Ways falls, the giant Thousand Ways of God Dynasty will collapse with it, just like the original Seven Prison Gate, after the Seven Prison Heaven Sovereign fell, the Seven Prison Gate will also disappear in the long river of history.

‘Damn, if there is no such thing as a avenue to close the town, and a quasi-tianzun, what is there to be afraid of! ’

Taoist Taixu looked gloomy and cursed secretly in his heart.

The existence of Dadao's closure of the town not only blocked the idea of ​​the Ten Thousand Dao Gods wanting to occupy the eastern frontier, but also caused a great obstacle to the Taixu Daoist.

If there is no avenue to close the town, why should Taixu Taoists want to deal with the imperial dynasty?

Even if there are the remnants of the seven prison gates behind the imperial dynasty, how can it withstand the offensive of the ten thousand gods?

Ten thousand gods dispatched an army at will, plus a four kings, enough to destroy the imperial dynasty!


Obviously, the situation now is beyond his control.

Don't say that the imperial dynasty will be destroyed, it is a difficult thing to keep this clone and many powerful people of the ten thousand gods dynasty.

Monkey King became stronger as he fought. At this moment, he only had the power to fight against Monkey King.

Not to mention, there is a quasi-tianzun peeping in the dark.

‘You must find a chance to take Xinghai and others and leave together! ’

The Taoist Taixu used secret methods to lift up his breath, and forced Monkey King back with a palm. The corner of his eyes looked at Daojun Xinghai and other giants who fought against Qin Yi.

Although he intended to abandon this clone, but now that he can't destroy the imperial dynasty, he is naturally unwilling to abandon this clone.

To know that refining this clone requires him to pay no small price.

As for King Xinghai and other giants of the Ten Thousand Dao God Realm, these giants are biased towards him, but they are his supporters in the Ten Thousand Dao God Realm.

If Xinghai Daojun and other giants fall, it will not only greatly weaken his power in the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire,

Similarly, it will also affect the father's view of him.

If this mission failed, if Xinghai Daojun and other giants fell again, his father would surely punish him.

Therefore, just to abandon this clone, he must also bring the giants such as Dao Monarch Xinghai back to the Ten Thousand Dao God Realm.

"Xinghai, Yuankun...Hurry!"

Taoist Taixu gave a long roar, shaking the chaos.


Xinghai Daojun and other giants of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire glanced at each other, and at the same time exploded their own trump cards.


In Xinghai Daojun's body, there seemed to be thousands of chains of gods emerging, bursting out with dazzling brilliance, and the whole person was shrouded in colorful light.

Its breath rose again and again, as if it had climbed to a new level.

He waved the big knife in his hand, as if engulfing countless stars, and cut it towards Qin Yi.

The other giants also used methods one after another, and an endless torrent of power rushed to Qin Yi, trying to force Qin Yi to retreat.

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