Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3394: Play Zen with me

In essence, the three mindful bodies of good and evil are the self, and not the self. The original self refers to the consciousness composed of seven emotions and six desires and various complex emotions at the beginning of life.

Three mindfuls of good and evil are one of them.

Although there is a subordination relationship between the three mindful bodies of good and evil clinging to the self and the self, this subordination relationship is not constant.

The three mindful bodies of good and evil have the possibility to replace the self.

Jin Chanzi's move is similar to taking the initiative to hand over the dominant position of the self to the benevolent mindful body, turning the original self consciousness into a'good mindfulness body'.

This also explains why Tang Seng's behavior style is so different from Jin Chanzi, which is Jin Chanzi's mindful behavior style.

In doing so, although to a certain extent, the benevolent mindful body can be cut out in advance, but if the benevolent mindful body has always occupied the position of the self, it will even refine the original self consciousness of Jin Chanzi.

Then, there will be no more golden cicadas since then!

In Journey to the West, it is Tang Seng, not Jin Chanzi, who eventually becomes the Buddha of Jiantan Gongde.

This also means that Jin Chanzi has disappeared, and Tang Seng is replaced by Tang Seng!

Among them, Qin Yi still doesn't know whether there are calculations by the many powerful Buddhists in the Journey to the West. At least according to the records of Journey to the West, Jin Chanzi has failed.

But now, in front of Qin Yi is Jin Chanzi, not Tang Seng.

"The poor monk was originally the second disciple of the Tathagata. In order to promote Buddhism in the whole world, the poor monk entered the mortal world and replaced the self with the body of kind thoughts and became a monk of the Tang Dynasty.

The original intention is to realize the mystery of Da Luo in advance with the merits of Journey to the West. "

Jin Chanzi sighed softly and said slowly:

"According to the initial plan, when the poor monk came to Da Leiyin, he suppressed the kind thoughts of the poor monk with the meaning of ten thousand Buddhas, and brought the poor monk back to the original self.

But for some reason, the Buddhas in the Da Leiyin Temple did not act according to the agreement, and the poor monk's self was replaced by the body of kind thoughts. "

"Although the poor monk is unwilling, he has no choice but to be refined by the good-mind body."

"Originally, the poor monk has disappeared between the heavens and the earth, no longer exists, but fortunately, with the help of your majesty, he retrieved the self and suppressed the kind mind body in one fell swoop."

Jin Chanzi spoke slowly, slowly telling the cause and effect of the matter.

"My help?"

Qin Yi was taken aback for a moment, with great doubts in his heart.

He is in the worlds of the heavens, and how many worlds are separated from the mythical world of Journey to the West, how to help Jin Chanzi.

What's more, he has never helped Jin Chanzi.

"Your Majesty doesn't need to worry. After a while, your Majesty will understand all the causes and effects."

Jin Chanzi folded her hands and smiled slightly.

"Will it be clear in the future?"

The corner of Qin Yi's mouth twitched, and he looked at Jin Chanzi with an unkind expression.

The reason why he doesn't like Buddhism is that apart from Buddhism's non-production and persuading people to cultivate in the afterlife, there is another reason, that is, he hates Buddhism for playing the so-called karma and Zen.

Speak straight if you have something to say, why bother to make mistakes.

Play Zen with me?

Do you think my fists are not hard enough, or the Emperor Dragon Sword is not sharp enough?


Do you want to try with me?

"Ah, please forgive your Majesty. It is not a poor monk who refuses to say it, but cannot say it."

Under Qin Yi's gaze, Jin Chanzi coughed and said quickly.

He didn't want to try his six-legged golden body, which was harder compared to Qin Yi's fist.

No matter which is harder, in the end, your majesty's fist must be harder.


As a courtier, if you don't even give your Majesty's face, how can you still not fall into the emperor's court?

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