Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3412: The relic of the great heaven to the Buddha


Jin Chanzi held a relic and walked slowly.

The nine-ring tin rod has disappeared, and I don't know where it was hidden by Jin Chanzi.

"Your Majesty, the poor monk does not humiliate his mission, and the enemy who commits the crime in the future will be killed. This is what he left behind."

Jin Chanzi saluted with one hand and handed the relic to Qin Yi.

This is a golden relic.

At first glance, it seems that there is a strange and majestic world in it, and there is a Buddha who does not know its height and its breadth sitting cross-legged in it.

Above the Buddha, there are bodhisattvas' speeches, arhats meditating, and monks studying sutras.

There are also countless worlds of Buddhas, attached to the Buddha, blooming with boundless light.

If you look closely, you can see that the face of the Buddha is no different from that of the Great Buddha. It is the relic made by the fall of the avatar of the Great Buddha.

The so-called relics are the treasures formed by condensing the flesh of the powerful person who practiced the Buddhist path.

Generally speaking, as long as a strong person who is proficient in the Dharma sits, he will condense one or several relics. When the avatar of the Buddha falls, it will naturally condense into a relic.

"Qin Yi, you are a clone of the poor monk, you wait, the poor monk and the Buddhism will never let you go! If you still don't fall into the emperor's dynasty, just wait for the Buddhism's revenge!"

From the relics, there was also a clamor from the great sky to the Buddha.

The fall of this clone is not a small loss to the deity of the Great Heaven to Buddha.

"The bark of a defeated dog is unsmelling!"

Jin Chanzi's eyes shone slightly.


There was a sorrowful wailing from the relic, and the wailing of the Buddha from the great sky disappeared.

A trace of divine thoughts from the great heaven to the Buddha in the relic also disappeared.

Then, Jin Chanzi handed the relic to Qin Yi again.

"It doesn't need to be so. This relic is useless to me. If you practice Buddhism, this relic can only be used to its fullest in your hands."

Qin Yi waved his hand, but did not take the relic.

He didn't have much interest in this relic.

Although this is a relic left by the clone of a quasi-tianzun strong person, it is not very useful for a strong person who does not practice Buddhism.

At least, for Qin Yi, there is not much use.

Datianzhi Buddha practiced as a whole, only the boxing created by him can make Qin Yi take a look, and the rest can't be in Qin Yi's eyes at all.

As for the boxing technique created by Datianzhi Buddha, he has basically mastered the essence of his boxing technique because of the blessing of the ancient tree of enlightenment.

Even if it is performed by him, it can also exert the power of about 60 to 70% of the "Great Heaven to Buddha Seal" created by the Great Heaven to Buddha.

This is enough.

After all, he just wanted to absorb the essence of Da Tian Zhi Buddha's boxing techniques to perfect his own boxing.

Of course, a boxing technique from the great sky to the Buddha is not enough for Qin Yi to completely perfect his own boxing, and Qin Yi's boxing still needs more accumulation.

It is not a simple matter to create a Tianzun-class boxing technique that belongs to oneself.

"Thank you for the reward, Your Majesty."

Jin Chanzi flipped his hand and accepted the relic.

The relics of the great heaven to the Buddha have no small effect on him.

Although he can't let him advance by leaps and bounds in the practice of Buddhism, he can still understand the Buddha's understanding of the Dharma by observing the relics, so as to enhance his own understanding of the Dharma.

In the final analysis, Da Tian Zhi Buddha is also a Buddhism quasi Tian Zun, and his understanding of the Dharma is of great benefit to Jin Chanzi.

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