Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3413: Secrets in the Three Realms Treasure Wheel

Secret realm.

Under the ancient tree of enlightenment.

Qin Yi and Jin Chanzi sat down again, sipping tea.


Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and his thoughts flew.

Although he was surprised by the appearance of the Datianzhi Buddha, it was also in his expectation.

In the previous battle with the Golden Crow Daoism and other forces, the Golden Crow Daojun and other giants of Eastern Xinjiang controlled a quasi-tianzun weapon and dragged the Bull Demon King.

The Jinwu Daojun and other giants of Eastern Xinjiang used the quasi-tianzun device of Buddhism.

Afterwards, Daojun Jinwu and others also handed this quasi-tianzun weapon to Qin Yi.


Qin Yi spread out his right hand, and a small three-ring treasure wheel was spinning quietly in his hand.

The outermost layer of the treasure wheel is tumbling with red dust, and all the desires, greed, anger, ignorance, sadness and joy in the world are all in it, just like the real big red dust.

On the middle level, there is a Buddha sitting cross-legged, and countless bodhisattvas and Arhat monks are reciting scriptures, and the Sanskrit sounds are bursting.

On the innermost layer is a huge mountain, shrouded in boundless light, reincarnation, purity, compassion... all kinds of supreme wills are circulating.

This is the Buddhism's quasi-tianzun implement, the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

Qin Yi had also learned about the origin of this quasi-tianzun device from Jinwu Daojun and others.

According to the words of the Golden Crow Daojun, this is a quasi-celestial weapon they obtained when they explored a secret place left by their predecessors in ancient times.

At that time, this quasi-tianzun device had been divided into three parts, which were obtained by Jinwu Daojun.

They were kept in the avenue with them, until the avenue was closed and disappeared, and then they were reborn with them.

It can be said that the Golden Crow Daojun and other giants of Eastern Xinjiang do not have much contact with Buddhism.

But Qin Yi didn't think so.

How precious is a quasi-tianzun implement, with the wealth of Buddhism, it is impossible to discard a quasi-tianzun implement at will.

Even if it's just a damaged quasi-tianzun implement, the same is true.

After all, if each quasi-tianzun tool can fully awaken, it is equivalent to the combat power of a quasi-tianzun, and it plays a decisive role among the major forces.

How could Buddhism allow this quasi-tianzun weapon to remain in the hands of giants such as Jinwu Daojun, there must be a plan.

"Just, what is Buddhism's plan?"

Qin Yi frowned deeply as he looked at the treasure wheel of the Three Realms in his hand.

Regarding this Buddhism quasi-tianzun weapon named Sanjie Baolun, it can be said that it is not the first time that Qin Yi has seen this type of Buddhism weapon.

Long before the rise of the Buluo Emperor, there were also Buddhism heritages in the Tianyao Continent.

In these Buddhism inheritances, there are also strong people who have the same type of Buddhism weapons. Although they are not as powerful as the Three Realms Baolun, they are almost the same.

Once, there was a Buddhist expert holding that Buddhist weapon, which caused a lot of trouble to Qin Yi.

"I remember that weapon was called the Three Heavens Treasure Wheel. Later, I transformed it into a Thunder Mirror, and then integrated it into the Hall of Fluctuating, becoming the center of operation of the Hall of Fluctuating."

Qin Yi recalled the memories of the past.

If it was only once, Qin Yi still remembered that when the Emperor Buluo dynasty attacked other great worlds, those worlds also had Buddhism heritage.

And most of these Buddhism inheritances have similar Buddhism weapons.

If it is just one or two, it can be said to be a coincidence, but Qin Yi does not believe that Buddhism has no plans for so many of them appearing in the Eastern Frontier.

"Perhaps, the key lies in this Buddhist quasi-tianzun implement."

Qin Yi looked at the Three Realms Treasure Wheel in his hand, his eyes condensed slightly.

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