Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3414: The world in the wheel of the Three Realms


The wheel of the Three Realms was spinning in Qin Yi's hands.

Qin Yi had a feeling that the purpose of Buddhism's so arduous efforts was probably in his hands on this three-world treasure wheel and the many similar Buddhism weapons scattered throughout the eastern frontier.

"However, there is nothing unusual on the Three Realms Treasure Wheel."

Qin Yi carefully looked at the Three Realms Treasure Wheel in his hand, and his divine spirit pierced into the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

But no matter how he checked, he didn't find any abnormality in the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, as if everything was just his guess, not true.

Even Qin Yi wanted to activate the Three Realms Treasure Wheel without any problems.

With his cultivation base at this moment, urging the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao clone, it can completely burst out of power close to the quasi-tianzun level.

"With my power, I can spur it at will, without any problems... Wait, spur the Three Realms Treasure Wheel?"

Qin Yi was thinking, suddenly a flash of inspiration, and looked at Jin Chanzi: "Take the great heaven to the Buddha's relic, let me use it."


Jin Chanzi was taken aback for a moment, and soon came back to his senses, and handed the relic of the Great Heaven to Buddha to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi took the relic and held the relic in one hand, while guiding the power in the relic with divine will to inject it into the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.


The Three Realms Treasure Wheel shook, and a bright light burst out instantly.

Astonishing fluctuations emanated from the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, as if there was a huge sound of lectures, flooding the entire secret realm.

A phantom of a Buddha and an Arhat emerges, sitting on the golden lotus, or telling Buddhist principles, or practicing the magical powers of the Buddha, or showing the Buddha's golden body...

In an instant, the entire secret realm was transformed into a buddhaland.

Qin Yi didn't care about these visions. His divine thought followed the power of the relic and entered the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.


next moment.

Qin Yi's spiritual thoughts are like entering a strange space, which is an extremely secret space that exists in the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

No matter how ordinary people urge it, the Three Realms Treasure Wheel will not show any vision. Only the power above the Buddhist giants can open this space.

This is also the reason why the giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun, and Qin Yi hadn't found an abnormality before.

They are not powerful Buddhists, and they have never practiced the Buddhist path. Naturally, they cannot open this hidden space in the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

"What's the use of this space?"

Qin Yi looked up and down this space.

Most of this space is shrouded in darkness, like a dark night sky.

But everywhere in space, large and small ‘stars’ hang.

The place where He is now is one of the most massive ‘stars’.

"these are?"

Qin Yi was puzzled.

Divine Sense spread along with it, and pierced into a ‘star’.


The world in front of Qin Yi changed accordingly, and his will seemed to enter another world.

This is a world shrouded in the light of Buddha.

You can see a Buddhist monk sitting cross-legged, praying to him, no, not praying to where he is.

And where he is, it is a Buddhism weapon that is very similar to the treasure wheel of the Three Realms!


Qin Yi's spirit was shocked, he withdrew from this world, and pierced his divine mind into another ‘star’.

In this "star", there is another world.

After Qin Yi tried this several times, he determined that behind every ‘star’, there is a world, and it is a world within the Eastern Frontier.

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