Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3415: Buddhist calculations

In the hidden space of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

Qin Yi raised his eyes and looked around, like the light spots of "stars" in the night sky.

The place these light spots lead to is the world of Eastern Frontier where Buddhism weapons are located.

Take a piece of Buddhism weapons similar to the Three Realms Wheel as a throwing point, together with the Three Realms Wheel in Qin Yi's hands.

"Is this what Buddhism did for laying these chess pieces?"

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed.

Soon, he realized that the purpose of Buddhism's arrangement was to control all parties in the Eastern Frontier through these Buddhism weapons similar to the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

As long as the Three Realms Treasure Wheel is in your hands, you can pass the Three Realms Treasure Wheel to control the situation of all circles in the Eastern Frontier.

"Moreover, it's more than that."

Qin Yi's eyes flickered, and he perceives the wheel of the Three Realms.

He could perceive that it was only one aspect of controlling the various realms of the Eastern Frontier through the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, which was not the main purpose of Buddhism.

With a move of his mind, with the help of the power of the relics of the Great Heaven to Buddha, to mobilize the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, he clearly perceives a powerful force of absorption that comes from the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

Through the various ‘stars’ in the hidden space, it is transmitted to those Buddhist weapons.

Qin Yi felt that as long as he wanted to, he could absorb all these Buddhism weapons similar to the Three Realms Treasure Wheel and integrate them into the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

In other words, these Buddhism weapons similar to the Three Realms Treasure Wheel are essentially clones of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel!

This is why the treasure wheel of the Three Realms is no longer at its peak!

"The Buddhism intends to use this method to cultivate the Three Realms Treasure Wheel!"

Qin Yi's pupils shrank, all kinds of information were linked together, and the sparks of wisdom collided.

Soon, he deduced the calculation of Buddhism.

The Buddhism inheritance and a clone of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel are left in the various realms of the Eastern Frontier.

Then, let these Buddhism develop and draw on the luck of the various realms of the Eastern Frontier to provide for the clones of the Three Realms Baolun.

As long as these clones continue to grow and grow to a certain extent, the Buddhist monks will use the Three Realms Treasure Wheel to draw the many clones back into one.

It can completely push the Three Realms Treasure Wheel to the level of the Heavenly Sovereign Tool!

"Buddha is so calculating!"

Qin Yi couldn't help but admire.

If you succeed, you will be able to add another Tianzun device to Buddhism.

More importantly, this kind of calculation moisturizes things silently. If he hadn't had a flash of inspiration and found some clues in it, I'm afraid he would have ignored the past.

While the powerhouses in other realms were still fighting for the opportunity to achieve the heavenly sovereign, Buddhism had quietly cultivated a heavenly weapon.

If we go on according to the plan of Buddhism, the clone of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel has been passed down by many Buddhism as a treasure, and it has been enshrined by these forces for countless years and gained countless powers of faith.

At the same time, invisibly, looting part of the luck of the eastern border.

You must know that these creatures inherited from Buddhism are all creatures in the Eastern Frontier, and they are naturally blessed by the Eastern Frontier's luck.

And these creatures' worship of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel clones for countless years is still to let the Three Realms Treasure Wheel clones plunder their Eastern Frontier Qi Luck.

In this way, when the three-world treasure wheel is reunited, it is equivalent to receiving the blessing of the fortune of countless creatures in the eastern frontier.

"Furthermore, the body of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel is divided into three, which fall into the hands of the three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun."

Qin Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and an astonishing thought flashed through his mind.

Buddhism is obviously eyeing the three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun, and I am afraid that when the Three Realms Treasure Wheel is unified, the Golden Crow Daojun and other three giants will also be turned into the promotion of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel!

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