Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3416: Breaking the back of Buddhism

"It's a ruthless calculation!"

Even Qin Yi couldn't help feeling shocked by Buddhism's calculations.

The Three Realms Treasure Wheel is enshrined by countless creatures in the Eastern Frontier, and the luck of countless creatures, coupled with the three giants who have won the clock of the East Frontier’s luck, is enough to promote the Three Realms Treasure Wheel to a heavenly weapon.

You know, Jinwu Daojun and other giants are giants born in the Eastern Frontier, and they are naturally blessed by a large amount of air luck in the Eastern Frontier.

If the Treasure Wheel of the Three Realms swallowed the three giants such as the Golden Crow Daojun, it would be no worse than the countless years of support from other creatures.

Especially in the current situation of prosperity in this eastern frontier, as long as you follow Buddhism's calculations, Buddhism will have an extra Tianzun artifact.

A complete awakening is enough to compare to a real Celestial Venerable.

Of course, this is in the case of following the Buddhist calculations, but the current situation is more than Buddhist calculations.

The Golden Crow Daojun and other three giants surrendered, and the Three Realms Treasure Wheel also fell into Qin Yi's hands, and Qin Yi discovered the calculations in Buddhism.

"In other words, the purpose of Da Tian Zhi Buddha's search for me, in addition to his so-called alliance with Buluo, is likely to have the purpose of getting the Three Realms Treasure Wheel."

Qin Yi frowned.

The existence of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel is related to Buddhism's calculations. Even if the Golden Crow Daojun and other giants cannot be used as resources, Buddhism still has to take back the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

Things have progressed to this point. Although the last step is not perfect, Buddhism can still rely on other methods to make it up.

It is a pity that Da Tian Zhi Buddha did not expect that Qin Yi directly rejected the idea of ​​the Buddhism alliance, and even fought so hard that even his clone had fallen.

Not to mention, take back the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

Invisible, Qin Yi can be said to have broken Buddhism's calculations twice in a row.

"In other words, I have become a thorn in the flesh of Buddhism, and a thorn in my eyes."

Qin Yi smiled.

The Three Realms Treasure Wheel is a quasi-Tian Zun device that has the possibility of becoming a Heavenly Sovereign Device, and Buddhism will never keep the Three Realms Treasure Wheel in his hands.

Buddhism is likely to use various methods to seize the Three Realms Treasure Wheel from Qin Yi's hands.

"But, so what?"

Qin Yi just smiled indifferently, not caring about the threat of Buddhism.

In the situation of the Eastern Frontier, as long as Tianzun doesn't make a move, Buddhism will not be able to help him.

Why should he be afraid of Buddhism?

Moreover, as long as he proceeds according to the plan of Buddhism, he will be able to harvest a Tianzun artifact.

Buddhism has basically completed all the arrangements, and Qin Yi can take advantage of the fisherman's benefit, and step by step will be able to train the Three Realms Treasure Wheel into a Heavenly Sovereign Device.

"Before that, it is necessary to erase the traces of Buddhism left on the wheel of the Three Realms."

Qin Yi's eyes flickered.

The current Three Realms Treasure Wheel could not be spurred by other forces at all, only the power of Buddhism.

Among them, there must be Buddhism methods. If they are not erased, it is very likely that they will end up in nothing. They have worked hard to cultivate the Three Realms Treasure Wheel as a heavenly weapon, but they have made a dowry for Buddhism.

This is something Qin Yi doesn't want to see!

"However, to leave such a method in the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, there must be Buddhism Tianzun's handwriting."

Qin Yi tried to use his own power to change the control method of the hidden space of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel from Buddhism power to his power.

Unfortunately, to no avail.

Even if he uses the power of the Heavenly Dao clone, it will not help.

Soon, Qin Yi judged that the hidden space of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, including the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, was written by a Buddhist deity.

Only the means of Buddhism Tianzun can resist him who uses Tiandao clone!

In this way, Qin Yi wanted to erase Buddhism's backhand on the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, even more intense.

If the handwriting of a Buddhist goddess is not eliminated, it is a time bomb. If it breaks out, it is likely to hurt others and yourself.

Originally according to Buddhism's calculations, someone in the Eastern Frontier was lucky enough to find Buddhism's handwriting on the Three Realms Treasure Wheel. As long as it was not made by Tianzun, it was basically impossible to eliminate this backhand.

This is also the reason why Buddhism can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

However, this does not include Qin Yi!

After all, Qin Yi has a plug-in.

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