Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3422: Mighty nirvana buddha

"This is Buddhism Tianzun?"

"The Great Nirvana Buddha?"

"Damn, Buddhism is so shameless, after a Buddha was suppressed, he actually let Tianzun take it!"

Many strong people who did not fall looked at the depths of Tianyao Continent, their expressions extremely ugly.

Earlier, the breath of Datianzhi Buddha's clone was known to many powerful people, but soon, the breath of Datianzhi Buddha's clone disappeared.

In the eyes of many powerhouses, it was suppressed by Jin Chanzi.

But now that the Great Nirvana Buddha shot, in the eyes of many powerful people, it is to avenge the great heaven to the Buddha.

Of course, no matter what the reason, the action of the Great Annihilation Buddha also angered many powerful people.

"Buddhist group of bald donkeys..."

Monkey King clenched the golden cudgel in his hand, his eyes throbbed with fierceness, and he couldn't wait to kill the Buddha of the Great Nirvana.

It's just that He didn't.

He knew very well that the gap between him and the Great Annihilation Buddha, the essential gap between Daluo and Daluo, was too great.

It was that he shot and faced the Buddha of the Great Annihilation. There was only one result, and that was being suppressed by the Buddha of the Great Annihilation backhand, just as he faced the Tathagata back then.

Moreover, the reason why he can stand now is also due to the shelter of the emperor clone.

Without the protection of the emperor's clone, I am afraid that he would have lost consciousness long ago.

Although the rest of the strong ones are unwilling, they can only stay under the protection of the Heavenly Dao clone and observe the developments in the secret realm.


The wisps of divine intent dissipated, and the terrifying evil spirit filled the secret realm.

If there is an emperor under the seventh stage, exposed to such a terrifying evil spirit, I am afraid that he will die on the spot.

That is to say, Qin Yi has multiple backgrounds in his hands, otherwise, when the aura of the Great Annihilation Buddha escapes, it will have fallen.

"Don't fall the emperor, Qin Yi?"

The eyes of the Great Nirvana Buddha fell down, falling on Qin Yi's body.

Unimaginable power swept over and added to Qin Yi.

"It's me."

Qin Yi's eyes were faint, without fear on his face.

"It is worthy of being the son of the era bred by countless years of luck in the eastern frontier. Even the poor monks have to marvel. If you give you enough time, you may be able to break through the heavens."

The Great Nirvana Buddha folded his hands together, and his eyes swept across the relic of the Buddha in Qin Yi's hand. There was no sadness or joy on his face: "It's a pity that I did something wrong."

"The poor monk doesn't know how you can kill the clone of Da Tianzhi, but you should never offend my Buddhism! Don't change the things that covet my Buddhism."

"Kneel down, kneel in front of the poor monk, praying for death."

The face of the Great Annihilation Buddha has infinite compassion, and the majesty of his precious looks shakes countless avenues.

As the eyes fell, the void of the entire secret realm was like water waves flowing, and various pictures evolved in the secret realm, as if evolving the world.

The land of bliss, the land of hundreds of millions of Buddhas, and the countless Buddhas are all in this world.

It can be seen that countless Arhat Bodhisattvas are opening the altar to teach the Fa, and countless believers are praying devoutly.

When the Great Nirvana Buddha looked at Qin Yi, these Arhat Bodhisattvas and devout believers looked at Qin Yi one after another.

These Arhat Bodhisattvas and believers seem to exist in reality.

Hundreds of millions of eyes gathered into a sea, with hatred of Buddha and enemies, wrapped in terrifying pressure!

"Kneel down? You don't deserve it!"

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows, his expression unmoved.

Although the Great Annihilation Buddha is powerful, it is not enough to make him afraid, and he is not qualified to make him kneel down and worship.

What's more, he is the emperor, who is worthy of his kneeling?

Even the Avenue of the Heavens, no way!

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