Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3423: Suppressed Buddha of Great Annihilation


Qin Yi's refusal made the eyes of the Great Nirvana Buddha sink.


In an instant, the buddha soil that evolved in the secret realm burst.

The Arhat passed away, the Bodhisattva died, and the believers fell into the red dust and turned into countless wailing ghosts.

The Buddha's light shattered and turned into a monstrous blood!

The blood is mighty and mighty, it is full of endless time and space, and it has a faint momentum to sweep the Tianyao Continent and the Seven Prisons.

The immeasurable killing of the evil spirit of Yin runs through the universe.

"Good, good!"

At the same time, the golden body of the Great Nirvana Buddha changed, the bright gold faded, and replaced by the extremely deep scarlet color.

The Great Annihilation Buddha turned into three heads and six arms, and three sides were black and blue, making him angry.

In an instant, the Great Annihilation Buddha turned from the majestic Buddha into an Asura in charge of killing!

One of the six ways of Asura and Buddhism, one of the eight gods of the Heavenly Dragon, but the best at killing, and also better at fighting.

The great annihilation of the Buddha's transformation of the asura is to act in the wrath of the Buddha and kill Qin Yi, the future enemy of the Buddhism, and save Buddhism from future troubles.


When Qin Yi saw this, he just sneered, as if he didn't feel the terrible killing intent from the Buddha of Great Nirvana.


The Great Nirvana Buddha's complexion grew colder and he waved his big hand and slapped it down.

Endless killing and evil spirits rolled down, like a waterfall made up of hundreds of millions of rivers, scouring down.

If it is placed outside, this terrifying evil spirit is enough to submerge hundreds of thousands of miles of chaotic void and cover many large worlds in the eastern frontier.

Tianzun is angry, is it waiting?

In the face of the Great Nirvana Buddha's attack, Qin Yi remained unmoved, and did not even move.


next moment.

A ray of golden brilliance floated up, and was not noticeable in the endless evil spirit at first, but it quickly turned into a vast sea of ​​stars, overwhelming the endless murderous evil spirit.


After ten millionths of an instant, the void world was occupied by Jin Hui.

This kind of golden brilliance is different from Buddha's light. Although it is bright, it does not give people a dazzling feeling, on the contrary, it gives people a feeling of vastness and breadth.

Anyone who sees Jin Hui's existence can feel the unfathomable terrifying power at first sight.

"this is……?"

The look of the Great Nirvana Buddha changed, and he felt an unexplainable threat in this golden glow.

It is like seeing the first rays of light in the heavens and the earth, which contain all kinds of incredible powers such as good fortune, destruction, reincarnation.

It is his deity's Tianzun Daoyuan. There is an essential gap in this golden splendor, and this gap is like the difference between clouds and mud.

The essence of this Jinhui surpassed his Heavenly Dao Yuan, tens of thousands of times!


Jin Hui surging, with an unstoppable momentum, shattered the killing spirit in the void.

Kui Er, wrap the Buddha of Great Nirvana.

The next moment, the Buddha of the Great Nirvana stiffened and could no longer move. Jin Hui fell on his golden body, and there was a faint sense of melting.

"Impossible, you are not in the fourth stage, how can you master this kind of power?"

The Great Nirvana Buddha could no longer remain calm, his complexion changed drastically.

If Qin Yi possessed a trace of Tianzun's essence, he could still understand it.

Then, the Jin Hui shot from the center of Qin Yi's eyebrows gave him an unstoppable feeling, just like the power of facing the great avenue of heavens, unable to disobey.

In his eyes, Qin Yi was just an emperor of the fourth realm, and possessing a trace of Tianzun's essence was amazing enough.

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