Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3425: The Three Realms Treasure Wheel of Change

For various reasons, this has also resulted in such precious treasures as Divine Mind Relics, which are rare.

Otherwise, it is the treasure of heaven and earth nurtured by heaven and earth.

Every kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure that can achieve the similar effect of the divine mind relic is at least a treasure that is above the rank of quasi-tianzun and is of great value.

Whenever a similar treasure appears, it will inevitably attract countless strong fights and set off countless blood and blood.

One can imagine the preciousness of this divine relic in Qin Yi's hand.

"Huh~ what happened just now?"

Because the avatar of the Great Nirvana Buddha was suppressed, the heavenly aura that enveloped this secret realm, the Tianyao Continent, and the Seven Prisons world disappeared, and Jin Chanzi awakened.

He only remembered that he was preparing to suppress the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, but was stopped by Qin Yi.

Then he lost consciousness.

Thinking of it now, he quickly realized that the reason why he lost consciousness just now was because of the influence of Daluo Jinxian, who is the deity of this world.

‘That deity has really come here? ! ’

Jin Chanzi was surprised and quickly looked at Qin Yi.

Seeing that Qin Yi seemed to be fine, he was relieved now.

However, from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, and he couldn't help being stunned.

The Three Realms Treasure Wheel that originally lingered in Buddhism had turned into a surging purple light cluster at this moment.

There seems to be a vast starry sky in the purple light cluster, and each of the'stars' seems to connect different worlds.


An invisible wave spreads from the purple light cluster, passes through many ‘stars’, and falls into different worlds.

Then, one can see one after another small Three Realms Treasure Wheels, drawn in the horrified eyes of different world powerhouses.

These small Three Realms Treasure Wheels crossed the endless chaotic roads, passed through the channels in the "stars", and appeared in the purple light clusters.

In the next moment, the power of the system was shattered and turned into the purest power, which merged into the purple light cluster.

Every time it merges into a small three-world treasure wheel, the aura of the purple light group will skyrocket by one point.


Inside the purple light cluster, something terrible also seemed to be gestating.

Countless lightning is roaring and rushing.

The tyrannical thunder broke through time and space, evolving countless visions, or transformed into a thunder dragon, or into a thunder god, or into a thunder basalt...

The strands of chaotic air spread, as if opening up the world, evolving a vast world in the purple light cluster.

Time loses its meaning at this moment.

Maybe a second. Maybe a day, maybe a thousand years.

The fresh air floats up and turns into the sky, while the turbid air sinks into the ground.

One big world built by Thunder has evolved!

This world is surrounded by lightning everywhere, and the creatures transformed by the lightning are the creatures in this world.


When the Thunder World evolved, the purple light group shook once again, absorbing the speed of other small Three-Realm treasure wheels in the world, and suddenly skyrocketed.

One by one, the small Three Realm Treasure Wheels were swept by purple light at an incredible speed.

One thousand.

Ten thousand.



In a short while, all the ‘stars’ in the purple light cluster disappeared.

This also means that all the small three-world treasure wheels have all been absorbed by the purple light cluster.


At this time, the aura of the purple light cluster had risen to the extreme.

Like a dormant Primordial behemoth, it no longer exudes a terrifying aura that is difficult to stern!

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