Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3426: Qin Yi's promotion


The purple light group exudes a tyrannical aura, surging in the void.

After devouring all the small Three Realms Treasure Wheels, the aura of the purple light group seemed to be completed, flowing with an indispensable charm.

Jin Chanzi looked at it, and his heart palpitated.

From the purple light group, he actually sensed a threat, a sense of terror that had been so long before the Great Annihilation of the Buddha's Divine Sense clone came.

The Three Realms Treasure Wheel is evolving towards the Heavenly Sovereign Tool!

Jin Chanzi had a trace of enlightenment in her heart, staring quickly, watching the purple light group, which is the change of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

Watching the process of a quasi-tianzun instrument transforming into a Tianzun instrument is also of great benefit to him, and not everyone has the opportunity to watch such a process.

Although the Heavenly Venerable Artifact is not a real creature, the transformation of the Heavenly Venerable Artifact also has a huge enlightening effect on the emperor.

One way is everything.

By watching the transformation of the Tianzun artifact, the emperor can also obtain unimaginable benefits.


Jin Chanzi immediately let go of his mind and immersed himself in it.

In a daze, he seemed to hear the thunderous sound.

Not only Jin Chanzi, but the ancient tree of enlightenment is also caught in an epiphany.

You can see faint cyan thunders on the ancient tree of enlightenment.

Qin Yi looked at the two terms and couldn't help but smile.

Then, he wiped the body of the ancient tree of enlightenment with one hand, and he also comprehended the changes of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.

Time passed silently.


I don't know how long it took, a wave of fluctuations spread, awakening Qin Yi's trio from their epiphany.

"Huh, the harvest is not small."

Qin Yi opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a thunder in his eyes.

During this period of time, Qin Yi had made amazing progress on Thunder Avenue, and had already surpassed his own cultivation base.

If you had to describe it in terms of realm, Qin Yi's understanding of Thunder Avenue at this moment had reached a level comparable to the seventh and even the eighth realm.

In other words, as long as Qin Yi is willing, Qin Yi can fully rely on his understanding of Thunder Avenue to cultivate into the seventh and even the eighth level giants.

This is why Qin Yi chose to transform the Three Realms Treasure Wheel into a Lightning Attribute Heavenly Venerable Device.

Just want to use the transformation of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel to enhance one's own understanding of Thunder Avenue.

You must know that Qin Yi majored in Emperor Dao, and concurrently studied three types of Dao: Boxing Dao, Thunder Dao Dao and Kendo Dao.

The Emperor's Road is very powerful, and you can order Three Thousand Avenues.

But the cultivation of the Emperor's Road is extremely difficult. It is necessary to concurrently cultivate the three types of avenues, and the power of the three types of avenues can promote one's own understanding of the Emperor's Road.

Qin Yi used the three avenues of boxing, thunder avenue, and kendo as the support to promote the advancement of the imperial avenue.

With his hard work, he has comprehended the boxing techniques of many powerful men from Datian to Buddha, and is constantly improving and perfecting the foundation of his own boxing.

The same is true for kendo.

But Thunder Avenue didn't improve much, and Qin Yi used this transformation of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel to elevate his own understanding of Thunder Avenue.

As his understanding of Thunder Avenue improved, he could feel that the dilemma he faced on Emperor's Avenue was also eliminated.

In other words, Qin Yi can continue to practice now, allowing himself to complete a breakthrough.

Because the comprehension of Thunder Avenue has reached the seventh stage, which means that Qin Yi can now push the Emperor's Avenue to the seventh stage and become a giant of the heavens!

The realm is reached, as long as the cultivation base can be improved, it can be achieved!

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