Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3427: Practice of the Emperor's Road

The cultivation of Emperor Dao requires the support of three types of Dao that Qin Yi also cultivated.


The breakthrough of Emperor Dao requires the support of the three types of Dao Qin Yi also cultivated, depending on the realm of boxing, thunder road, and kendo.

In other words, Qin Yi's practice on Emperor's Road is limited to the weakest of the three of Boxing Do, Thunder Road, and Kendo.

No matter how deep Qin Yi's comprehension of boxing and kendo, but not enough comprehension of Thunder Avenue, the Emperor's Avenue would not be able to break through.

This is like a wooden barrel. The amount of water it can hold does not depend on the longest piece of wood, but on the shortest piece of wood.

Qin Yi has pushed fist to a level comparable to that of Zhun Tianzun, and even as long as he continues to improve it, he can push it to the level of Tianzun.

After all, the foundation has been cast, the only difference is accumulation.

Although kendo is not as good as boxing, Qin Yi pushed it to a level comparable to the ninth stage during this period of retreat.

The factor restricting Qin Yi's enlightenment of Emperor Dao became Thunder Dao.

During such a long period of practice, Qin Yi only comprehended Thunder Dao to the fourth realm, which also restricted Qin Yi's comprehension of Emperor Dao.

The same is also the reason why Qin Yi is still in the fourth realm now.

Originally, according to Qin Yi's plan, the next step was to improve his understanding of Thunder Avenue, allowing him to break through his realm.

The appearance of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel just coincided with its meeting.

With the opportunity of transforming the Three Realms Treasure Wheel into a thunder-attribute weapon, Qin Yi could take the opportunity to comprehend Thunder Avenue and push the realm of Thunder Avenue to a higher level.

Fortunately, the Three Realms Treasure Wheel did not disappoint Qin Yi, and took the opportunity to push Qin Yi's realm to the seventh realm, touching the eighth realm.

In other words, before Qin Yi raised the Emperor's Avenue to the eighth level, he would not encounter any bottlenecks, he only needed to continuously improve his cultivation level.

This is where the advantage of the Emperor's Way of Practice lies.


Perhaps it is an advantage.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, the difficulty of practicing the Emperor's Way is not small. At the same time, practicing three kinds of avenues as the support of the Emperor's Way, in terms of the difficulty of practicing, is three times that of other avenues.

The avenue is vast, and everyone's energy is limited after all, even the giants of the heavens do the same, generally only choose one to practice.

Even so, there are many powerful people who have been locked in a realm for thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, and even countless epochs.

After reaching the seventh stage, the accumulation of years does not necessarily allow the giants of the heavens to complete the breakthrough.

For example, many giants in the Eastern Frontier, such as the Golden Crow Daojun, have never made a breakthrough in more than 100 epochs.

Although it has the effect of closing the town on the main road, in fact, closing the town into the main road is also a great opportunity for many giants such as Jinwu Daojun.

In the avenues of the heavens, there are countless avenues within reach, and the speed of enlightening many avenues is more than ten million times faster?

Even if you can't improve your own cultivation level, you can continue to improve your own realm.

This is also the fundamental reason why Jinwu Daojun and other giants of Eastern Xinjiang are confident that they can make breakthroughs quickly after they break away from the road closure.

It's not impossible to change to another giant in dozens or hundreds of epochs.

It was like the enchanting Taoist Taixu that was valued by the Seven Prison Gates and Ten Thousand Dao Gods, it took hundreds of epochs to break from the peak of the seventh realm to the realm of quasi-tianzun.

One can imagine the difficulty of practicing after the seventh stage.

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