Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3428: Metamorphosis complete

The Emperor's Road needs three kinds of avenues as support, and the difficulty of practicing is hard to imagine.

Even if the emperor's way can control the path, there are very few Tianjiao who can practice the emperor's way, but no matter how talented they are, they will not go to practice.

Among the heavens and all realms, there is no shortage of cultivation emperor roads to achieve great giants of the heavens, but they are trapped in the seventh realm, and they have not broken through the seventh realm until they fall.

That is to say, Qin Yi has the system and the double plug-in of Heavenly Dao clone, so he dared to practice the Emperor's Road.

Needless to say the system, the reason why Qin Yi's boxing can build the foundation is that it relies on the power of the system.

And the comprehension of kendo is because of the help of Heavenly Dao clone.

The breakthrough of Thunder Avenue was because of the process of watching the transformation of the Three Realms Treasure Wheel Chaotian Venerable, with some insights and breakthroughs.

Do not.

Now, it can no longer be called the Three Realms Treasure Wheel.


The purple light group transformed by the treasure wheel of the Three Realms is suspended in the void.

Countless thunderbolts galloped in the world evolved within the purple light group, wispy strands, as if opening up a thunder fairyland.

It can be seen that the palaces transformed by thunder have evolved, and at the same time, there are countless creatures transformed by thunder ups and downs in the thunder.

The Thunder Suzaku struck across, and the Thunder Dragon flew.

The thunder dragons roared in the purple light group, ancient and vast, just like real thunder dragons.


Suddenly, an earth-shaking thunder broke out in the purple light cluster.

This thunder sound almost pierced through the seven orifices of ordinary people, shattered the soul, and in an instant blasted through the hundreds of millions of chaotic roads, like a nine-day galaxy pouring down.

With Tianyao Continent as the center, most of the creatures in the eastern boundary heard this thunder.

Under this thunder, countless creatures just felt numb all over, and lost consciousness on the spot.

"Golden merit!"

Even Jin Chanzi had to use his own source of power to counter the thunder.

Even so, under the thunder, Jin Chanzi's golden body also felt broken.

Jin Chanzi was not surprised but rejoiced, but closed his eyes and tempered his merits with thunder.

And in the thunder, the purple light group seemed to be hammered, and its shape changed constantly, as if there was an existence in charge of mighty force, hammering the purple light group.


The purple light group trembled suddenly, and re-condensed into a solid shape, still in the shape of a treasure wheel.

However, Baolun's appearance has changed drastically.


The treasure wheel is suspended in the air, and countless mysterious gods are engraved on the treasure wheel, connecting with the heaven and earth, the avenues, and the laws.

A series of lifelike real thunder dragons linger around the treasure wheel, swallowing and exhaling vast chaotic spirits.

The center of the treasure wheel is divided into five parts, and each part has a stalwart Thunder God's face, exuding the aura of the ancient and wild.

Inscribed like a avenue!

The Thunder God above, wearing a scarlet robe and a vermilion face, stepped barefoot on the Thunder Fire Dragon, holding the Thunder Warhammer in his hand.

Located below the Thunder God, the human body has a bird head, holding a thunder drum in his hand, making a beating drum.

The Thor on the left has a sharp nose, a thunder snake around his waist, and a thunder bell in his hand. His face is particularly hideous.

The Thor on the right has a red face and round eyes, a sturdy figure, holding a thunder axe.

The Thunder God in the center had a dim face, constantly changing like thunder. Upon closer inspection, it was surprisingly the same as Qin Yi's face.


As soon as Qin Yi raised his hand, this treasure wheel that had just been transformed fell into his hands.

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