Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3430: The Wrathful Great Nirvana Buddha

Western Heaven Realm.

One of the five realms of the heavens and the ten thousand realms, second only to the central realm among many realms.

And because it has always been the private land of Buddhism, it is regarded as the realm of Buddhism by the major forces of the heavens and all realms.

Here, Buddhism forces emerge in endlessly, and there are three Buddhist holy sites to suppress the background.

There is a big world in the Western Heaven Realm, and the vast and endless Buddha light envelopes this world, and countless Buddhist arhats, and Buddha shadows of the heavens are manifested everywhere in the world.

Many ancient temples stand on the boundless sky.

Hundreds of millions of believers bowed and praised the Buddha.

This is a world that belongs to the Buddha!


Suddenly, the void shook, and a vast breath shook the entire world, sweeping the universe.

"Praise my Buddha!"


"Buddha is compassionate!"

The creatures in this world all knelt to the ground and bowed their heads piously.

"Buddha of immeasurable life!"

With the sound of the Buddha's trumpet that seemed to shake the avenue of heavens, a phantom of the Buddha supporting the sky and the ground appeared under the sky.

The Buddha is boundlessly huge, as if it is even bigger than this big world, sitting cross-legged on the endless boundlessness, the Buddha head straight into the chaos.


A light chant of a Buddha's name is like the roar of thousands of worlds when they are shattered.

The countless avenues seemed to be moved by this Buddha's name, and thousands of visions fell down, flooding the surrounding chaos and void.

There are thousands of celestial lights, thousands of strands of splendor, and golden lotus blossoms falling down.

In an instant, it swept across the world in the hundreds of millions of Chaos Dao centered on this world, and shocked a Buddhist monk in the Western Heaven Realm.

"Praise the Great Annihilation Buddha!"

These Buddhist monks put their hands together and put their hands in the Buddha's shadow.

"Praise the Great Annihilation Buddha!"

Countless Buddhist disciples even knelt to the ground, piously bowing, and full of respect.

This Buddha is the Buddha of the Great Annihilation, one of the Buddhas in the Buddhism, holds the deity of the Great Annihilation.

"I don't know what's going on, alarming the Great Nirvana Buddha?"

Many Buddhist monks glanced at each other, and walked out of it, a giant of the heavens with thick ears hanging down to the shoulders, bowed to the Great Nirvana Buddha, and asked.

This giant named Sun Moon Bodhisattva is a well-known Bodhisattva in Buddhism, and he is well-known among the heavens and all realms.

"There is a problem with the Three Realms Treasure Wheel?"

When the Great Nirvana Buddha opened his mouth, many Buddhist monks became disillusioned.

The Three Realms Treasure Wheel is about the calculations of Buddhism in the Eastern Frontier for hundreds of eras.

If there is an error in the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, all the plans of Buddhism for hundreds of years will be destroyed.

"Dare to ask the Buddha, what is wrong with the Three Realms Treasure Wheel?"

Sun Moon Bodhisattva asked quickly.

"Someone broke the back hand of this seat on the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, and killed the clone of this seat's Divine Sense."

The Buddha of Great Nirvana has deep eyes and a faint voice.

But every time He uttered a word, the heavens shook, and the sound of countless Buddhas chanting and chanting shook thousands of miles of chaos.

The sound of Zen singing rumbled, seeming to shatter the chaos.

At the level of Buddhism Buddha and Xuxian Tianzun, he is in charge of the source of one, and his words and deeds can provoke the great avenues of the heavens and affect hundreds of thousands of miles of chaos.

If the Great Nirvana Buddha really does, I am afraid that most of the Western Heaven Realm will be shaken in its power.

"Praise the Great Annihilation Buddha!"

Sun Moon Bodhisattva and other Buddhist monks drooped their heads, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

They knew that the Great Annihilation Buddha seemed calm, but he was actually angry. At this time, they didn't dare to touch this one's brow anymore.

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