Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3431: The dilemma of the Great Nirvana Buddha


The aura of horror surged in the void, and the road roared endlessly.

The Sun and Moon Bodhisattva and other Buddhist powers watched their noses and minds under the aura of the Great Nirvana Buddha, and kept their mouths shut.

They knew very well that the Three Realms Treasure Wheel had a failure, which would have a great impact on Buddhism.

Especially for their line, it will cause unimaginable blows.

For the Three Realms Treasure Wheel, they have paid too much for this line, and I don't know how much foundation they have spent before they can leave a legacy in the various worlds of the Eastern Frontier.

Just to cultivate the Three Realms Treasure Wheel into a Heavenly Sovereign Device.

However, there are mistakes now, and one can imagine how much they will lose.

Not to mention, the avatar of the Great Nirvana Buddha's divine consciousness also fell.


I don't know how long it has passed before the aura of the Buddha of Great Annihilation slowly fell silent, and the Sun Moon Bodhisattva and other Buddhist masters breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the Sun and Moon Bodhisattva and other Buddhist experts are all wet, like a mortal.

Under the breath of the gods, they are as fragile as mortals, and as long as the Great Annihilation Buddha is willing, they can slap them to death at any time.

The gap between Tianzun and Tianzun is too huge.

If the strong outsiders have never seen Tianzun, so they don't know how to be awed, then they dare not have any disrespect in the face of Tianzun Buddha.

It is precisely because they have been following the Buddha of the Great Annihilation that they know the gap between themselves and the deity.

Even just now, they are also very clear that the reason why they are sober is the result of the convergence of the Buddha of the Great Annihilation, otherwise, they have long been lost in the aura of the Buddha of the Great Annihilation.

Even, it is not impossible to be crushed to death by the aura of the Great Annihilation Buddha.

"Er wait, can I know who the treasure wheel of the Three Realms falls into now? What is the situation in the Eastern Frontier? Is there a Celestial Venerable that intervenes in the Eastern Frontier?"

The Great Annihilation Buddha looked down at the Sun and Moon Bodhisattva and other Buddhist experts, and asked in a deep voice.

He had been in retreat before, and he had not had much perception of the outside world.

Had it not been for the fall of the divine mind clone of the Three Realms Baolun, he would probably not have escaped from the retreat.

Therefore, he did not know much about the current situation of the heavens and ten thousand realms, but could faintly perceive that the three-world treasure wheel was left in the eastern boundary.

He didn't even know where the Three Realms Treasure Wheel fell in the world or who his divine mind clone fell in the hands of anyone.

Even before the fall of his divine mind clone, he did not transmit to him what he had encountered before his fall.

In this case, it is obvious that Tianzun himself can make his divine consciousness clone fall so crisply that he can't even transmit his consciousness.

He was also running his own power just now, trying to explore the situation in the Eastern Frontier.

It is a pity that because of the closure of the main road, he failed to achieve his wish.

The existence of the town sealed by the avenue not only cuts off the possibility that Tianzun Xuxian wants to intervene in matters of the eastern frontier, but also restricts Tianzun Xuxian's eyes.

You must know that with the power of Xuxian Tianzun, as long as you deliberately probe, there is basically nothing in the heavens and worlds that can be hidden from their gazes.

Unless there is the obstacle of the same level of power, or the obstacle of the great avenues of the heavens as it is now, the Xuxian Tianzun will not be able to see the whole picture.

Therefore, as a last resort, the Great Annihilation Buddha could only ask the Sun Moon Bodhisattva and other Buddhist powerhouses about the situation in the eastern boundary.

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