Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3465: The progress of the Black Furbolg

"The emperor."

The black fur monster bowed to Qin Yi, respectfully.

"Well, you haven't slackened in the past few years."

Qin Yi glanced at the black bear monster and said with a smile.

Compared with Zhao Yun, the cultivation base of the Black Furbolg is even greater.

When the black furbolg left the imperial dynasty, but the cultivation base of the second stage, now the black furbolg's cultivation base has reached the fourth stage, only one step away from the peak of the fourth stage.

This improvement is not trivial.

From the lower three realms, one step across to the middle three realms.

We must know that the black fur monster is in the unicorn clan, but there is no resource support from the imperial dynasty, and there is no help from the time and space cultivation pavilion.

"All this thanks to Princess Xiyue."

The black fur monster just smiled honestly, and gratefully glanced at Qin Yaya.

The reason why he can make such a big breakthrough is also because Qin Yaya will give him a large amount of resources from the Qilin clan.

Without Qin Yaya's support, I am afraid that he would not be able to break through so quickly.

Although the difficulty of practicing in the heavens and worlds is lower than that in the mythical world of Journey to the West, many avenues and laws are apparent in the world.

But this does not mean that the Black Furbolg can break through quickly, and it also requires a lot of resources as support to break through quickly.

Of course, this is also because the blood of the black fur monsters themselves is amazing, they belong to the ancient monster bear clan, and at the same time, their own talents are also exceptionally amazing, so that they can break through so quickly.

We must know that the black fur monster was selected by many Buddhist powers and became one of the eighty-one difficulties on the westward journey of the Tang monk and his apprentice.

This is enough to prove the genius of the black furbolg.

Learning the scriptures from the West Heaven is not just superficially allowing the Tang monk and his disciples to go to the West Heaven to learn the scriptures. The so-called West Heaven learning is just a cover.

Its fundamental purpose is to gather heaven and earth luck to achieve the goal of Buddhism's great prosperity. In this, Buddhism still has the mind to weaken the monster race.

A closer look at the Journey to the West, except for the monster races that were originally related to the great gods and Buddhas, the rest of the many monster races without backgrounds were either killed or admitted by the Buddhist monks.

The black fur monster was eventually accepted by Guanyin Bodhisattva and became the protector of Jialan Mountain.

You must know that Guanshiyin is a veteran Buddhist Daluo Jinxian, and his cultivation strength is among the many Daluo Jinxian, and he is not considered weak.

After the Buddhism Daxing, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva occupies an extremely important position.

Shameless Avalokitesvara has only the status of Buddhism, but its status in the Buddhist monastery of the West Journey is not comparable to the Buddhist Buddhas of the West Journey, second only to the Buddhas of the West Journey.

This kind of existence can personally take the black furbolg into his sect, and one can imagine how talented the black furbolg is.

Not to mention, the black fur monster is a monster that can compete with the Monkey King. Even when the Monkey King does not work hard, he can see that the black fur monster is extraordinary.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the Black Furbolg to rise from the second stage to the fourth stage within a few years.

If you are someone else, you may not be able to do this.

For example, many strong people of the Qilin clan are not supported by the resources of the Qilin clan, but I don't know how many strong Qilin people are trapped in a realm and have been unable to make progress for countless years.

Others such as Zhao Yun and others who have not fallen into the power have been mentioned in the previous article. Zhao Yun has just set foot in the emperor realm, and the progress of his cultivation is good.

For the rest, most of the ancient sages who followed Qin Yaya to the Qilin clan have also made breakthroughs in their cultivation.

Although not as good as the Black Bear Monster and Zhao Yun, they are not bad.

After meeting the two black bear monsters, they also learned some news about the Kylin family through the two, especially some news that Qin Yi was not good at asking Qin Yaya and Chu Muqing.

For example, the news about the many crafting masters of the Qilin clan.

The black furbolgs have stayed in the unicorn clan for several years, and they also know a lot of news within the unicorn clan.

"In response to the emperor's words, the Qilin clan values ​​the craftsmen within the clan very much, and most of the craftsmen are placed near the top of the Qilin Mountain by the Qilin clan."

The black fur monster thought for a while and replied.

"The top of Qilin Mountain?"

Qin Yi frowned, feeling a little troublesome.

According to the internal division of the Qilin tribe, the top of the Qilin Mountain is mostly the residence of the giants of the heavens on the seventh realm of the Qilin tribe.

If the many Qilin craftsman masters are arranged on the top of the Qilin Race, it means that Qin Yi will win over the Qilin craftsman masters under the eyelids of the many giants of the Qilin Race.

This can be troublesome.

Although Qin Yi is not afraid of the strongest of the Qilin Clan, he does not want to turn his face with the Qilin Clan.

After all, the Kylin clan is Qin Yaya's mother clan. If Qin Yi turns his face with the Kylin clan and Qin Yaya is caught in the middle, he will undoubtedly be in a dilemma.

Qin Yi didn't want to see such a scene, so he felt troubled.

"The emperor, the Qilin Clan's master craftsman, are not all on the top of the Qilin Mountain. I remember that there was a master craftsman named Lingtian who lived at the foot of the Qilin Clan."

The black furbolg thought for a while and added.

"The master craftsman who lives at the foot of Qilin Mountain?"

Qin Yi was puzzled.

If it is said that those who live on the top of the Qilin Mountain are the high-level powerhouses of the Qilin tribe, then the Qilin tribe who live at the foot of the Qilin Mountain are undoubtedly the lowest-ranking members of the Qilin tribe.

The members of the Kirin tribe at the foot of the Qilin Mountain are mostly members of the Kirin tribe whose blood concentration has not reached the level of pure blood unicorns.

How could a refiner who can be called a refiner in the central realm be placed at the foot of the Qilin Clan.

Even if you can't enter the top of Qilin Mountain, at least it will be halfway up the Qilin Mountain.

You must know that a refiner who can be called a refiner in the central realm can at least refine a middle-level imperial tool, and even a high-level imperial tool.

Regarding status, no matter where the forces are, they should be the guests.

Such as the many crafting masters on the top of Qilin Mountain, the reason why the Qilin clan arranges these crafting masters on the mountain.

On the one hand, it is to show respect for these master refiners, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent these master refiners from being wooed by other forces.

In the mouth of the black furbolg, the master craftsman who lives at the foot of the Kylin Clan's mountain is particularly strange.

"Return to the emperor, that Lingtian master is definitely a genuine master craftsman, and it is said that he has made many imperial crafts of extraordinary quality for the Qilin tribe.

Chuantianzhou, Volley Peak, Beiming Hall...These are all from the hands of this Lingtian master. "

Seeing Qin Yi's unbelief, the black furbolg patted his chest to make sure.


Hearing this, Qin Yi's eyes lit up.

The reason why he wants to win over the master craftsmen of the Qilin clan is not to wear the weapons of war like Tianzhou?

It would be great if this Lingtian master could refine the Chuantianzhou.

"Since he is a master craftsman, why is this master Lingtian arranged at the foot of Qilin Mountain?"

Qin Yi asked.

"It is said that this Lingtian master offended the three elders of the Qilin tribe, so that's why he has fallen to this point."

Said the black bear monster.

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