Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3466: The internal struggle of the Kylin tribe

"The three elders who offended the Qilin tribe were demoted to the foot of Qilin Mountain?"

Qin Yi looked weird, and he couldn't understand the operation of the Kylin tribe.

A master craftsman who can refine a weapon of warfare, such as Master Lingtian, will be regarded as a guest no matter where he is.

If Master Lingtian can join the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, Qin Yi will also pay attention to it.

Not to mention other things, at least it will give Lingtian master the identity of the pavilion master of the refining pavilion, ranking the second or even the first rank of the imperial dynasty.

The Buluo Dynasty has developed to this day, and the entire court is still divided into nine-rank official positions, with the lowest-ranking nine-rank and the highest-ranking official-ranking one.

Similarly, every one who can be ranked above the first rank of the imperial imperial dynasty, except for Zhuge Liang, Zhang Liang and other civil servants, at least needs the cultivation level of the seventh stage.

Two such as Cai Yulei and Dilu Dianling are beyond the ranks of the nine-rank official.

Even so, the first- and second-rank officials of the Buluo Emperor are veritable high-level figures in the Buluo Emperor.

Moreover, most officials of the first and second grades of the Buluo imperial dynasty did not distinguish between superiors and superiors. Most of them were equal, and there was no possibility of offending the other party and being demoted.

At least, there are very few reasons for being demoted in the Buluo Emperor. One is to do things that endanger the stability of the Buluo Emperor.

The second is to offend Qin Yi.

However, since the establishment of the Buluo Empire, there has been basically no case of officials being demoted at the second rank and above.


Of course, this is also related to Qin Yi's caution.

Basically, officials who did not fall to the first or second rank of the imperial dynasty, or the rebels summoned by Qin Yi, could not betray Qin Yi, or they were the strong men who signed a contract with Qin Yi in the heavens, and would not betray either.

But this also cannot deny the magic of the operation of the Kirin tribe. For example, the master Lingtian, who can refine the sky-piercing boat, can also occupy a high position among the forces of the gods of the heavens and the eternal holy land.

Among the Qilin clan, Master Lingtian was demoted for offending a third elder?

"It is said that this Lingtian master is still the number one crafting master of the Qilin tribe, and he has the grace to teach most Qilin craftsmen."

The next sentence of the Black Bear Monster made Qin Yi's look even more weird.

Will the Qilin Clan's first crafting master be demoted?

Is there a problem with the heads of the Qilin tribe?

"Who is the so-called third elder of the Qilin tribe?"

Qin Yi hit the nail on the head and asked the key to the question.

In any case, the status of Master Lingtian in the Qilin tribe should not be low.

However, Master Lingtian is still being demoted, so the status of the three elders of the Qilin clan will only be higher in the Qilin clan.

But in Listening to Fengwei, there is very little news about the third elder of the Qilin tribe, only a few chats, only knowing that the third elder of the Qilin tribe is a heaven above the seventh realm. Giant.

After all, Tingfengwei's tentacles have just stretched from the eastern boundary to other realms.

It will take a lot of time to find out more news about other forces in the realm.

"The third elder of the Kirin tribe is quite powerful among the Kirin tribe. When he was vying for the position of the leader of the Kirin tribe, he lost to the current leader of the Kirin tribe.

However, its status in the Kylin tribe is still second only to the chief elder and chief of the Qilin tribe. In recent years, its position has been even closer to that of the chief of the Qilin tribe. There are rumors that it may replace the chief of the Qilin tribe. "

The black furbolg confided all the news he had inquired from the unicorn tribe.

"Replace the current patriarch of the Kylin tribe?"

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows, particularly surprised.

According to what he knew, it was not a simple matter for the third elder of the Qilin tribe to replace the current chief of the Qilin tribe.

First, the current patriarch of the Qilin Clan, Qin Yaya's grandfather, is a ninth realm overlord of the heavens.

And the third elder of the Qilin tribe is just a giant of the heavens, with a level of difference in his cultivation, how can he be qualified to replace the current patriarch of the Qilin tribe?

Furthermore, the elder of the Qilin tribe is the father of the current patriarch of the Qilin tribe.

With the support of the great elder of the Kylin tribe, coupled with the cultivation of the current chief of the Qilin tribe, it can be said that the position of the current chief of the Qilin tribe is as stable as Mount Tai.

The three elders of the Kirin tribe, what did they use to force the current chief of the Kirin tribe to the next position?

"Weichen heard that the Qilin clan powerhouse once talked about it that the patriarch of the Qilin clan seemed to be seriously injured when he was exploring the ancient ruins several epochs ago, and his cultivation level fell.

However, the three elders of the Qilin clan broke through the ninth state and became the overlord of the heavens. "

The black furbolg saw Qin Yi's doubts and explained: "And the elder of the unicorn tribe has not appeared in the unicorn tribe for more than seven or eight epochs.

Under such circumstances, many elders within the Kylin clan all fell to the three elders of the Qilin clan, which led to the decline of the line of the patriarch of the Qilin clan. "

"That's it."

Qin Yi rubbed his chin, his eyes flickering.

Through the description of the black furbolg, Qin Yi probably has an understanding of the internal factions of the Kirin tribe.

The Kylin clan is roughly divided into two factions, a clan headed by the Kylin clan chief, Chu Muqing and Qin Yaya are both considered to be this faction.

One is the line of the three elders headed by the three elders of the Qilin clan.

Originally, the line of the patriarch always stabilized the line of the three elders, but because the patriarch of the Qilin clan was seriously injured, the elder of the Qilin clan disappeared.

The three elders of the Kirin tribe broke through again, and the three elders passed the line of the patriarch and became the faction with the most voice within the Kirin tribe.

The three elders of the Kirin tribe have become the most powerful existence of the Kirin tribe.

This also explains why Master Lingtian was relegated back.


Qin Yi smiled faintly.

He has no interest in the internal struggles of the Qilin tribe.

However, the fighting within the Qilin tribe gave him a chance to win over Master Lingtian.

If Master Lingtian had not been demoted to the foot of Qilin Mountain by the Qilin tribe, he might have to spend some effort to win over Master Lingtian.

On the top of Qilin Mountain, it is likely to attract the attention of many powerful Qilin people.

Furthermore, no matter what the reason, Master Lingtian was demoted to the foot of Qilin Mountain, and it was impossible for him to complain.

Since there were complaints, it was easier for Qin Yi to win Master Lingtian to join the imperial imperial dynasty.

Qin Yi was determined to pay attention, but he did not immediately go to the foot of Qilin Mountain, but stayed in Chu Muqing's mansion.

Even if he wanted to recruit Lingtian Master, he was not in a hurry.

After all, the main purpose of coming to the Kylin Clan this time was to accompany Qin Yaya.

In these few days, Qin Yi has been playing around with Qin Yaya, which can be regarded as compensating Qin Yaya.


For several days, the patriarch of the Qilin tribe did not show up.

Even the second elder of the Qilin clan, the younger brother of the patriarch of the Qilin clan, including many powerful people in the line of the patriarch of the Qilin clan, did not show up to meet Qin Yi.

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