Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3525: The Neutralist Tianjiao's Speculation

In the Tianjiao camp of the Qilin Clan's neutral faction, a group of neutral Tianjiaos watched with interest what was happening in front of them.

The battle between the patriarch and the three elders has long been on the horizon.

But the two sides have various scruples, and most of them have restrained. It can be said that it is the first time that there is such a big noise as today.

Especially when the crowd of Tianjiao saw the second elder appearing, they were even more surprised.

In the past, most of the battles between the patriarch and the three elders stayed at the emperor level below the seventh stage, and even the magnates such as Taoist Swordsman came forward.

Such a powerful figure as the second elder has never been off the court personally.

"Unexpectedly, even the second elder would come forward in order to protect this unfallen emperor."

Black-clothed Tianjiao, Song Weidong from Canglan Jiange, couldn't help but say.

He originally thought that Qin Yi's final outcome would only be the giants of the Qilin tribe, including Taoist Zhantian, jointly suppressing it.

I never thought that this incident would have alarmed the second elder, and asked the second elder to come forward to protect Qin Yi, and the attitude of the second elder towards Qin Yi, vaguely put himself under Qin Yi.

At first, when this thought came up in his mind, he was still a little surprised, thinking whether he had read it wrong.

But after careful study, he was quite sure that the second elder deliberately lowered his position when facing Qin Yi.

Song Weidong couldn't help being curious about Qin Yi's identity. The emperor of the Eastern Frontier, even if he had some strength, was not worthy of the second elder's low profile.

Is it because Qin Yi is the inheritor of the seven prison gates?

Do not.

The Seven Prison Gates have long been annihilated in the long river of history, and an eternal holy land that has been destroyed has long been ignored by the Qilin tribe.

Does Qin Yi have other identities?

What is this identity?

"A tycoon that is not inferior to the second elder's own combat power is a very strong aid to the patriarch and the family, and it is reasonable for the second elder to come forward."

Tsing Yi Tianjiao, Lin Shan from Jinghai Sect, was not surprised by this.

If he was a strong man in the line of the patriarch, he would not want to lose such a strong support, he would definitely come forward to protect Qin Yi.

As for the collusion between Qin Yi and the tribe of Pan Mastiff in Chu Xiaotian's mouth, everyone knows that this is just an excuse.

It doesn't matter whether an excuse for the Three Elders' line to attack Qin Yi is true or false.

Compared with the appearance of the second elder, what surprised him more was the attitude of Taoist Zhantian, Chu Xiaotian and others. It stands to reason that the second elder has already come forward. At this time, the third elder line will at most let go of a few according to the usual practice. Speak harshly, and then choose to give in.

But this time, the attitude of Chu Xiaotian and Taoist Zhantian was extraordinarily determined.

Chu Xiaotian even dared to question the second elder face to face, and even wanted the second elder to attack Qin Yi.

‘Because of what reason, the Three Elders and the elders suddenly become so strong when they are facing the patriarch and the patriarchs. Moreover, this matter was provoked by the three elders and the elders. ’

Lin Shan's eyes flickered, and various thoughts collided, wiping out the sparks of thinking.

Which eighth-level giant of the neutral faction did the three elders win over?

There is another breakthrough in the cultivation of the three elders?

Or maybe, the three elders have the support of someone in the same line?

All kinds of speculations passed through his mind, listing all kinds of possibilities. Although he is a member of the neutral faction, the changes in the forces within the Kylin clan, especially the change in the position of the head of the patriarch, will also have an impact on him. concern.

"and many more…"

Lin Shan's gaze fell on Chu Xiaotian, who looked pale, but looked at the second elder with a spiteful expression. Suddenly, his inspiration flashed.

‘The old man, he has already awakened from the retreat. ’

Suddenly, he remembered a news he had received by chance.

Reminiscing about the tough attitude of Chu Xiaotian and others, he immediately understood everything, and the three elders received the support of the big clan elders.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan immediately told Song Weidong his guess, and Song Weidong was also surprised.

"Are your sources reliable?"

Song Weidong was uncertain.

"Of course it is reliable. I heard my master talk with others by chance."

Lin Shan said so.

Hearing these words, Song Weidong immediately dispelled his suspicion. Lin Shan's master was the suzerain of Jinghaizong, a giant standing on the peak of the seventh stage, and his status within the Qilin clan was not low.

The news from this giant has a high degree of credibility.

"It turned out to have the support of the patriarch, no wonder the three elders were so impatient to tear their faces with the patriarch."

Song Weidong sighed lightly.

In the end, he also extinguished the idea of ​​exploring Qin Yi's identity, even if Qin Yi had any identity, it was no bigger than the elder of the Qilin tribe.

What kind of identity is the old man?

The Kirin tribe is now the oldest existence, and it has spread far and wide in the heavens and all realms. There are also records about the great tribe elders among various forces.

The existence that has truly set foot in the quasi-tianzun realm for countless years has been revered as the sixth ancestor of the Qilin tribe.

Even the members of the imperial clan of the gods of the heavens, the true disciple of the Ji Dao God Sect, in front of the big clan elders, it is not worth mentioning.

"The position of patriarch will come to an end."

Song Weidong's voice was faint.

The prestige of the three elders in the Qilin clan has long surpassed that of the patriarch, and then the patriarch has the support of the big elder. Even if the patriarch has the support of the big elder, the position of the patriarch will change.


Lin Shan nodded slightly, agreeing with Song Weidong's statement.

The two looked at Qin Yi and the second elder again, full of regret.

At this time, these two seem to be extremely powerful, but the ending of this farce is already doomed.

"Second elder, if you do this, aren't you afraid that the third elder will hold you accountable after knowing about it?"

Taoist Zhantian asked the second elder coldly.

"Account to me? Hahaha, have you ever thought of being held accountable by the patriarch when you shot Qin Yaya and the others?"

The second elder laughed, and a sneer appeared on his face.

As early as when He arrived, he had noticed Qin Yaya and others who had fallen into a coma, and naturally guessed that this was the work of Taoist Zhantian and others.

Qin Yaya was Chu Muqing's daughter and granddaughter of his elder brother, but was injured by Taoist Zhantian and others. He didn't take action against Taoist Zhantian and others at the first time. It was already an excellent way to cultivate qi.


Taoist Zhantian was speechless for a while, his face was blue and white.

This matter is really going to be discussed, they are really irresponsible, after all, they were the ones who shot Qin Yaya first.

"Second elder, what you said is wrong, how can a **** blood compare with the son of this seat?"

At this moment, a flat voice floated in the void.


When the second elder heard this voice, his face suddenly changed.

"Three Elders!"

Dao Ren and other giants showed a pleasant smile.


Chu Xiaotian smiled even more.

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