Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3526: The Three Elders Appear

In front of the mansion.

A group of strong Qilin tribes raised their eyes to the void.

"Three Elders."

Chu Muqing also looked towards the sky, her eyes condensed slightly.

In her induction, it seemed as if a giant swallowing beast exuding a terrifying aura was coming from the depths of the void.

A huge and inexplicable pressure swept through and made her shudder.


With every breath, the squeezing pressure on the soul deepens.

Such a tyrannical aura is even more terrifying than the pressure brought to her by the Taoist and the Second Uncle!


A crisp footstep suddenly sounded, echoing in everyone's ears.


The second elder's heart jumped, a little surprised.

His cultivation is stronger, and his perception is stronger than Chu Muqing, so he can clearly perceive the powerful power that comes into the human body like a deep prison.

At the same time as the sound of footsteps sounded, the void of thousands of miles seemed to vibrate with it, setting off layers of ripples like water waves.

This is more than that.

As the footsteps approached, this sense of vibration also fell on Him and everyone present.

Muscles and bones, flesh and blood, internal organs... and even the essence of the soul had to be shaken by this, and the whole body was boiling with blood.

An indescribable feeling of irritability suddenly rushed to my heart.

Everyone on the scene wanted to get rid of the influence of the footsteps, but found that no matter how they struggled, they could only drift with the waves amidst the sound of footsteps.

"With such strength, the cultivation base of the three elders has made a breakthrough again!"

The second elder's heart sank, and he immediately realized it.

With his cultivation at the peak of the eighth stage, coupled with his cultivation strength, the average ninth stage emperor would not bring him such a great pressure.

At least, the Three Elders of Zeng Jin couldn't do this.

‘The situation of the Kirin tribe is becoming more and more unfavorable for the older brother. ’

The second elder's mood became heavier, and his brows could not help but frowned.

His elder brother was injured by the Dao and couldn't recover for a long time. Not to mention diligence, he even spent countless resources to keep his realm from falling.

On the other hand, the cultivation of the three elders advanced by leaps and bounds, and in the ninth stage, he took another step forward.

Comparing the two, the gap between his elder brother and the three elders is widening.

If he drags on like this, his elder brother will definitely lose his position as the patriarch of the Qilin clan, but he has nothing to do.

He can help his elder brother find allies, obtain the help of Anyang Emperor, and ease the plight, but it is because the Anyang Emperor owes him a favor.

However, no matter how many allies he finds, after all, far water cannot save near fire.

The biggest dilemma his elder brother is facing now lies in his own injuries.

If his elder brother is not injured, what is the situation of the patriarch?

It's a pity that his elder brother was injured by the Dao. It was not the supreme elixir of the Heavenly Sovereign level, or the strong elixir, which could not be healed.

But how precious are the elixir and elixir of Tianzun product?

Even Zhun Tianzun, and even Xuxian Tianzun, may be greedy.

They want to find the immortal medicine and elixir of the Heavenly Venerable Grade. The difficulty is no less than that of a mortal climbing to the sky and picking the moon.

"I don't know if you can find the elixir and elixir that your eldest brother needs in the ancient ruins this time."

The second elder sighed in his heart, and did not have much hope for this.

Soon, he cut off the complicated thoughts in his heart and focused on the three elders who came step by step.

The cultivation base of the three elders has greatly increased, and this time the momentum is fierce, and there is a great momentum to inquire about sins. Today's things may not be good anymore.

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