Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3527: I have more than one hole card

The void is deep and hard to peek.

Even if there is an emperor's cultivation base, he can't see the scene inside and outside the hundreds of millions of Chaos Dao, only vaguely sees a figure, and walks slowly.

At this time, everyone discovered that the Three Elders were far beyond the billions of chaotic principles, but they could still affect everyone present.

The second elder furrowed his brows, and his vigilance against the third elder rose again.


The figure took one step, crossing the tens of thousands of chaotic roads in a flash.

Within a few steps, the figure had arrived in front of the void barrier.


The figure moved slightly, and the sky was like a broken mirror, shattered into countless fragments, splashing around.

A figure shrouded in endless divine light, full of destruction intent, stepped on pieces of void fragments, and walked into the big world of unicorns.

His figure is not tall, it is only seven feet tall, but at this moment, when one foot falls, there is a feeling of stepping on the whole world.

Chu Muqing and others trembled, and they dared not look directly at the visitor.

If it is said that the Taoist Slayer, the Second Elder and others, it feels like occupying the center of the world, holding the center of the world all the time.

Then, the coming man gives people an illusion that the heaven and the earth cannot accommodate him!

It seems that this huge unicorn world is not as good as a shallow water pool for the incoming people, which can only barely accommodate him.

As long as he moves slightly, the void world will be burst!

"How can it be??"

The Daoist Kunwu and other giants of the heavens couldn't help but look at the people coming.

The next moment, several giants opened their eyes wide, and they couldn't see the faces of the people who came.

This is an extremely incredible thing for them. In terms of their cultivation, there are few things that can block their sight.

But at this time, they really couldn't see the face of the coming person.

The endless divine light blocked their eyes.


As if he knew their embarrassment, the incoming person took the initiative to dissipate the light and reveal his own face.

This is a young man, dressed in a sapphire and glaze armor, with a beautiful face and a bright red cinnabar mole on the center of his eyebrows.

But the most fascinating thing is the youth's eyes. The bright eyes are filled with the vastness of the years and contain endless wisdom.

At a glance, it seemed to draw everyone into the deepest part of his eyes.

This is the three elders of the Qilin tribe, the Daojun of Xunfeng.

"The Avenue of Wind, Avenue of Flames."

Qin Yi also condensed his eyes, and with the help of the Heavenly Dao clone's authority, he quickly distinguished the Dao Monarch Xunfeng Dao cultivating.

This master of the Sunda Wind Road did not practice the avenues that rank among the three thousand avenues, such as Ruli Dao.

Of course, this is not to say that Monarch Xunfeng Dao is weak.

In essence, the Three Thousand Dadao does not distinguish between superior and inferior, but it is the practitioner himself.

There is no superiority in the avenue, and the superiority and inferiority of people.

The same avenue, in the hands of different practitioners, exerts its power, but it is different.

Not to mention, the gap in cultivation level is enough to make up for the slight gap on the road.

Dao Monarch Xun Feng, who uses the Great Dao of Wind to prove his way, is not weak, and can still crush the two elders in all directions when facing the second elders who practice strength.

This is the gap in cultivation level!

Qin Yi estimated that with the power of the eternal clone, if he urged Zhanxian Gourd, he would not necessarily be the opponent of Dao Jun Xunfeng.

After all, the eternal clone can't exert too much power of Zhanxian Gourd.

Of course, Qin Yi wouldn't be afraid of Monarch Xunfeng.

His trump card is more than just cutting the celestial gourd.

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