Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3528: What did you say


Daojun Xunfeng took a light breath, and the aura within a radius of tens of thousands of miles gathered in an instant, and then he was swallowed by him.

Everyone present only felt that their eyes were dark, and everything around them seemed to lose their light.

It was as if all the light in the heavens and the earth was swallowed by Him!


During the trembling of the void, the many large formations near Qilin Mountain recovered as a result, suppressing the heavens and the earth, seeming to prevent the heavens and the earth from being swallowed by Him.

Daojun Xunfeng didn't care about the awakening great formation, opened his mouth, and slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, and the darkness around him gradually dissipated.

Exhale for day and inhale for night.

Such power has shocked the hearts of the Kunwu Taoist and others even more.

"Sure enough, staying in the Kylin World is more comfortable! Second Elder, don't you think?"

Mr. Xunfeng said with a faint smile.

"Since so."

The second elders were extremely vigilant in their hearts, but on the surface they were calm.

"Do you know why this is?"

Dao Jun Xunfeng didn't seem to notice the second elder's alert, and asked casually.

Without waiting for the second elder to answer, he said to himself: "This is because this is the territory of my Qilin tribe, and it belongs to the world of all the Qilin tribe.

Here, we can play at will, wantonly domineering, any strong from other forces, it is impossible to bully my Qilin tribe here, right, second elder? "

Daojun Xunfeng glanced at Qin Yi, and finally fell on the second elder.

Hearing this, the second elder's face changed slightly.

He understood what Xunfeng Daojun wanted to express, and this was asking him why he wanted to stand for Qin Yi.

"Three elders, as far as I know, this matter was provoked by Young Master Xiaotian. Daoist Zhantian injured Princess Xiyue. I just used the other way and returned the other body."

The second elder said in a deep voice.

"Princess Xiyue?"

Daojun Xunfeng smiled contemptuously, and did not hide his own mockery at all:

"A mere hybrid bloodline is also worthy to be the princess of my Qilin tribe?"

"Three elders, your words are a bit too much!"

The second elder's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he looked at Master Xunfeng Daoist coldly.

Daoist Kunwu, Chu Muqing and others also looked at Monarch Xunfeng Dao angrily. Monarch Xunfeng Dao depreciated Qin Yaya in this way. This is not to trample the face of the patriarch on the ground.

"Excessive? Second elder, did you feel excessive when you hurt my son?"

Daojun Xunfeng snorted coldly, and his icy eyes fell on the second elder, angrily surging in the depths of his eyes.


With a huge roar, the void behind Dao Jun Xunfeng shattered directly.

Hundreds of thousands of purple and black tornadoes suddenly appeared, like dragons of destruction, raging in the sky, lingering around Xunfeng Daojun.

The force of horror swept across the four directions, tearing apart numerous spaces.

As the overlord of the heavens in the ninth realm, the most powerful person in the heavens and ten thousand realms second only to the heavenly sovereign and the quasi-celestial sovereign, the overlord is angry.

The breath that was like the collapse of the sky filled in an instant.


Even the many large formations inscribed near Qilin Mountain were torn apart.

At this time, the strong Qilin clan in Qilin Mountain couldn't sit still anymore, one after another divine brilliance soared into the sky, sealing the town of time and space.

If you say that at the beginning, the giants of the three elders and the elders and the two elders and the patriarchs and the giants of the line, because some formation masters such as ancient and Jiuli masters sealed the town with many large formations, plus the neutral faction With the intervention of some powerful people, the aftermath did not spread out in a large area.

So now, Master Xunfeng Daoist was angry and shocked the entire Qilin Mountain powerhouse.

"What's going on, is anyone attacking the Kylin World?"

"What happened? In just a few days, there were two such big fluctuations."

"What's the matter?"

A powerful presence, communicating in the void.

When they focused on the place where the fluctuations spread, they were first surprised, and then suddenly.

"The three elders are in the same line, and are they in line with the patriarch again?"

The conflict between the three elders and the patriarch has long been familiar to the Qilin Clan Tianjiao, and has even become accustomed to it.

However, what surprised the Qilin clan experts was that the two parties involved in the conflict turned out to be Lord Xunfeng Dao and the second elder.

"What the **** happened to make the three elders so angry?"

A strong Qilin clan couldn't help but ask.

The battle between the patriarch and the three elders has always been restrained, and it is the first time that it has become such a big noise this time.

When I saw someone watching from the side, a group of strong people quickly asked with their spiritual thoughts, and they quickly understood the cause and effect.

"It turns out that this is the case, for the sake of a barbaric from the Eastern Frontier... Uh, a giant, it actually made a fuss to this point."

There are strong ones who don’t know why.

This kind of conflict can be exposed as long as both sides take a step back.

Why is it so troublesome?

Of course, there are smart Qilin clan powerhouses, like Lin Shan, who figured out the cause and effect, knowing that Qin Yi is only the result of the troubles of the three elders.

Just as Chu Xiaotian was injured, it became an excuse for Dao Jun Xunfeng to get angry.

"It is said that the patriarch is not in the Qilin clan now, and the second elders are in bad luck."

There are strong neutrals who have not dealt with the second elders, gloating for misfortune.

With that said, many Qilin clan experts looked at the second elder and others with pity.

In any case, Master Xunfeng Dao is the overlord of the ninth realm. There is no strong person at the same level, and no one in the patriarchal line is an opponent of Dao Xunfeng.

Even if the second elders practiced strength, the same is true, not the enemy of Sunda Monarch Dao.

As long as Monarch Xunfeng does not kill him, the second elders and other powerful patriarchs will be at a loss.

As for Qin Yi, a giant from the eastern frontier, he will naturally become the cannon fodder for the struggle between the three elders and the patriarch, and the **** used by the Xunfeng Daojun to suppress the patriarch.

Many strong Qilin people are actually very interested in Qin Yi, a strong man from the eastern frontier, but they did not dare to stand up as Qin Yi platform in the face of the furious Dao Monarch of Xunfeng.

Can only helplessly shook his head and sighed.

Who made you hit the gun of the three elders?

He turned his gaze back to the second elder, and when Xunfeng Daojun was furious and released his aura, the second elder quickly released his aura and sheltered Chu Muqing and others.

It was also precisely because of sheltering Chu Muqing and others that the second elder was under too much pressure, and only felt that his blood was surging, and he could not question Xunfeng Daojun for a while.

Daojun Xunfeng smiled coldly, just as he was about to speak again.

An indifferent voice suddenly interrupted him: "What did you just say?"

Daojun Xunfeng was taken aback and looked at the speaker, only to find that it was the giant from the eastern border, the emperor who did not fall.

Can not help frowning, a trace of dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes.

What qualifications does a giant in the eastern frontier have to question him?

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