Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3530: Kneel down to apologize

Xunfeng Daojun's words not only made Qin Yi angry, but also made the second elder, Chu Muqing and others angry.

Even some Tianjiao of the neutral faction all gritted their teeth.

Qin Yaya is graceful and magnificent, and she is also the daughter of the patriarch, and her cultivation talent is also extremely high. In a few years, she has cultivated from the saint realm to the peak of the quasi emperor and is regarded as a goddess by countless Qilin tribe Tianjiao.

Many Qilin Clan Tianjiao have the heart to pursue Qin Yaya.

Daojun Xunfeng belittled Qin Yaya in such a way, making all the arrogances dare not speak.

If it weren't for this sentence from the Xunfeng Taoist monarch, I am afraid that these Tianjiao would have been furious. Unfortunately, it was the Xunfeng Taoist who said this, and the Tianjiao naturally did not dare to answer.

"A unicorn contaminated with foreign blood, what is it if it is not a bastard..."

Daojun Xunfeng continued to speak as if he hadn't seen the anger on the faces of Qin Yi and others.

However, before he could finish speaking, Qin Yi interrupted him.


Qin Yi stepped forward again, his tyrannical aura burst from his body.

Endless killing and evil spirits flooded the world, rushing away the purple and black tornadoes in the void, sweeping the world with fierce fists.


Amidst the dumbfounding gazes of the Qilin Clan Tianjiao, Qin Yi looked down at the Daojun Sundan, and said concisely: "Kneel down, apologize!"

His voice is not so high, as calm as usual in conversation.

But when the last word was spit out, it suddenly rose, like the heavens and the earth burst, the sun and the moon fell, and billions of thunders exploded at the same time!


The void within a radius of a million miles was shattered by violent sound waves in an instant, and the chaotic storm swept around the sky.

Layers of space, large arrays, collapsed one after another.

With one word, the world collapsed!

The furious Qin Yi used all the power of the Eternal Clone to urge Zhanxian Gourd.

Therefore, the Qilin Mountain, which was suppressed by countless large arrays, was also shaken, shaking unstoppable in the endless wave of surging energy.

If it weren't for the giants of the Kirin tribe, seeing the situation is not good, they would take action to suppress the void and stop the aftermath as much as possible.

I'm afraid that Qilin Mountain will be destroyed by more than half if it is not dumped.

Although the Eternal Clone had just set foot in the seventh realm, it didn't take long, but the power of Zhanxian Gourd was far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and it was comparable to the Heavenly Sovereign Tool.

Even if Qin Yi can only mobilize one ten millionth of his power, it is still comparable to the emperor at the peak of the eighth stage, standing on the ranks of the strongest under the overlord of the heavens.

The power of Qin Yi's words has faintly touched the threshold of the ninth realm, enough to defeat most of the tycoons of the eighth realm.

If you change to an ordinary Great Thousand World, at least several continents can be destroyed!

The two elders, Taoist Swordsman and other giants also changed their expressions, and quickly left the place, guarding the Qilin Clan Tianjiao behind them.

Some giants took a step slower and couldn't prevent them. They were engulfed in the storm of endless sound waves. They were blown away in the chaos, and smashed through countless spaces.

The powerhouses of the three elders, such as Taoist Zhantian, were shocked.

But what shocked them even more was Qin Yi's words, an unbelievable expression, as if he was suspicious of his ears.

Qin Yi actually let Monarch Xunfeng kneel down?

How dare he!

This is the Monarch of Xunfeng Dao, the overlord of the heavens in the ninth stage, and the three elders of the Qilin tribe, who is expected to become the new patriarch of the Qilin tribe.

Even the forces at the first level of the gods of the heavens and the holy land of the ages must give them face.

Who would dare him to kneel down?

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