Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3531: A unique operation in the heavens and all realms

"It's crazy, it's crazy!"

Chu Xiaotian's eyes widened, and he looked at Qin Yi incredulously, as if he was looking at a lunatic who didn't know the height of the sky.


A group of strong Qilin people took a breath.

Even the giants such as Taoist Swordsman admired Qin Yi's courage.

It's not that they have never seen a madman, but they really have never seen someone as arrogant and bold as Qin Yi who dares to talk to the Three Elders like this. This is the first one in countless years since the Three Elders became enlightened.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Xunfeng Dao's gentleman smiled back, his expression full of irritation.

He didn't expect that Qin Yi said that he would do it with his hands. Without paying attention, he actually suffered a small loss and was almost overthrown by the raging sound waves.

At the same time, Qin Yi's words also made him furious.

An emperor who didn't even have the seventh realm, wanted him to kneel down?


Dao Jun Xunfeng didn't say much, and grabbed it with a palm.

This action seemed unconventional, but as soon as Master Xunfeng Daojun's hand protruded, the surrounding space froze. The vitality and essence no longer flowed, and the laws and avenues stopped flowing.

Like the supreme true celestial being poking out his palm from above the nine heavens, he is irresistible, suppressing everything in the mortal world.


Qin Yi chuckled, and a vague shadow emerged from behind him.

That is a bronze bell.

The bronze bell quietly floated above the void, trembling slightly, the chaotic essence of the endless void behind him suddenly concentrated, turned into a tornado, and poured back into the bronze bell.

The surface of the bronze bell lit up little by little, blooming with dazzling brilliance, it seemed that there was an eternal and comfortable consummation rhyme rising up.

A series of **** patterns on the surface of the bronze bell outline various visions, such as the soaring of the sky, the roar of the true dragon, the nirvana of the phoenix, etc., and a vast expanse of fairyland, which opens up with it.

It seems true and illusion, the fairyland hangs high!


Then, the bronze bell dropped hundreds of millions of rays of celestial light into Qin Yi's body.

Qin Yi's expression was calm and indifferent, bathed in the fairy light, like an immortal king descending from the mortal dust from nine days, his aura was extremely compelling.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Dao Monarch Xunfeng, who had originally shot, suddenly changed his expression, his entire body was stuck in the air, and he couldn't move for a while, couldn't move in, or retreat.

No matter how he urged the power in his body, he still couldn't move half a step.

This feeling is like he is generally weak when facing the big clan elders and the big elders. Just a glance may make him lose all the power of resistance.


The emperor who did not fall in the imperial dynasty in front of him was not a fourth-level emperor who held a high-level imperial weapon. How could this be?

An emperor in the fourth realm, even with a high-level emperor's weapon, no, a quasi-celestial weapon, or even a celestial weapon, can't make him immobile.

The quasi-tianzun device and the tianzun device are powerful and powerful, and their complete awakening is comparable to a quasi-tianzun or tianzun in their peak period, but to truly exert the power of the quasi-tianzun device and tianzun device, extremely strong cultivation is required.

Only the cultivation base that matches it can make the quasi-tianzun implement and the tianzun implement exert their corresponding powers.

In the eyes of Daojun Xunfeng, a fourth-level emperor who can spur high-level imperial artifacts is already extremely difficult, not to mention the quasi-celestial artifact.

If he wants to explode more power from the quasi-tianzun device, Qin Yi may be sucked up directly.

In fact, it's not unreasonable for Mr. Sundae to think so.

But Qin Yi is different.

Qin Yi has more than one celestial slicing gourd, as well as the Wanlingzhen World Bell refined by Master Lingtian, a Heavenly Sovereign Device, and a Quasi-Heavenly Sovereign Device.

It's just a piece of Zhanxian Gourd, with the power of the eternal clone, naturally it can't spur more power of Zhanxian Gourd, but it will be different with the addition of Wanlingzhen Shizhong.

Qin Yi used his own power to spur the World Bell of Wanling Town, and then use the power of the World Clock of Wanling Town to urge Zhanxian Gourd, naturally, he can exert more power of Zhanxian Gourd.

Of course, this is simple to say, but not easy to operate.


It should be said that it is extremely difficult for ordinary emperors.

Such an operation, although it seems that Zhanxian Gourd can exert more power, it is more difficult to control.

If it is an ordinary emperor, even the giants of the seventh and eighth levels can't achieve the ease of Qin Yi.

Because Qin Yi can do this with the help of Wan Ling Zhen Shi Zhong and Zhan Xian Gourd.

The **** of Shizhong in Wanling Town awakened on his own and helped Qin Yi urge the Immortal Calabash Gourd, coupled with the active cooperation of the Immortal Calabash Gourd, to achieve such an operation.

Ordinary giants in the seventh and eighth levels are not qualified to let Wanlingzhen Shizhong recognize the lord, let alone be recognized by Zhanxian Gourd.

In other words, Qin Yi's operation is extremely likely to be unique in the heavens and all realms, and basically no one can reproduce it.

After all, not everyone opened the hanger, and could make a quasi-celestial deity and a celestial implement surrender.


Lin Shan and other Qilin Clan Tianjiao on the side were directly stunned.

Qin Yi's current momentum has risen more than a thousand times compared to before!

They thought that Qin Yi would definitely die after the three elders came forward. Who would have thought that Qin Yi would jump up and turn into a real dragon.

Not only Lin Shan and other Qilin Tianjiao, but even the second elder was shocked by Qin Yi's operation.

He had previously sensed the powerful power hidden in Qin Yi's body, but he did not expect the power hidden in Qin Yi's body to be so terrifying.

Suddenly, the second elder's complexion changed again. He saw Qin Yi using his hand as a knife, as if he wanted to attack Daojun Xunfeng.

Although he didn't wait to see Lord Xunfeng Dao, and even hated Lord Xunfeng Dao, he didn't want to see Lord Xunfeng Dao fall.

After all, Daojun Xunfeng is also a member of the Kirin clan. The top combat power of the Kirin clan is now declining. The Qilin clan cannot afford to be compromised.

But seeing Qin Yi with a cold face, the second elder couldn't speak.

Not to mention whether Qin Yi would listen to him, besides, Qin Yi was originally for Qin Yaya, or the patriarch, he could not find a reason to stop him.

While the second elder hesitated, Qin Yi's attack had already fallen.


Qin Yi's right hand just pressed lightly, as if the endless starry sky was under pressure, the endless killing and evil spirits poured down, making a terrifying sound.

The roar of the avenue is as straight as the howling of billions of gods and demons.

The reckless breath instantly shook the entire Qilin Mountain, the entire Qilin World, and even the surrounding large worlds!

The sharp edge runs through the world, as if to tear the heavens and the world.

With the blessing of Shizhong in Wanling Town, Qin Yi can also spur a one-millionth, or even one-hundredth, one-hundredth-thousandth power of the Immortal Gourd, which is comparable to the existence of the Ninth Stage Peak.

"No, no, how can a mere junior kill me!"

Daojun Xunfeng's eyes were red, and his expression was crazy to the extreme.

Faced with a blow that threatened his life, he dared not neglect, and directly used a forbidden secret method of the Qilin clan.

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