Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3538: Daojun Xunfeng with a lingering heart


The sea of ​​blood was squeezed by the blue-black net, shrinking a little bit.

With only one millionth of a breath, the sea of ​​blood was squeezed into a state of dirty blood again, suspended quietly above the void.

Then, the big green-black net burrowed into the underworld with dirty blood, and disappeared.

All this is a long story, but from the fall of the dirty blood, the evolution of the sea of ​​blood, and then the sea of ​​blood re-turned into the dirty blood, disappearing, and the process before and after it only took a ten thousandth of a breath.

A crisis that might threaten the practice environment near Qilin Mountain was lifted.

As for the powerful people in the sky, all their attention was on Qin Yi and Daojun Xunfeng, and they didn't even notice the situation here.

Only Qin Yi's expression moved, and his eyes lightly glanced at the point where the blood disappeared.

However, he quickly turned his gaze back.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe that a fourth-level ant can hurt me!"

Daojun Xunfeng roared wildly in his heart, and he was no longer so proud and calm as before.

Just now, Qin Yi's blow made him feel that death was so close to him for the first time, as if he was within reach.

a little!

Just a little bit, he fell to Qin Yi just now.

"If not... if not..."

Monarch Xunfeng Dao's heart was ups and downs, his expression was hard to see the extreme, and the killing intent towards Qin Yi in his heart was raging like a tide.

He couldn't wait to swallow Qin Yisheng alive, but he could only think about it.

Although he survived Qin Yi's attack by chance, he himself was severely injured, not only in the flesh, but also in the soul and the avenue.

The soul of Dao Monarch Xunfeng was also split into two by Qin Yi's blow. If it weren't for someone to help in the end, I'm afraid he would have died in Qin Yi's hands.

Even if he has a lot of backhands everywhere in the heavens and ten thousand realms, he can sense that Qin Yi's blow has actually followed the connection of the great road and spread to his backhands.

If it continues, Qin Yi's attack will probably destroy many of his back-hands.

At that time, He must fall completely.

This is where he fears the most!

As the overlord of the heavens in the ninth realm, he has lived for countless years. He had thought that he would fall, but he might not have thought that he would die in the hands of an emperor in the fourth realm.

"A fourth-level emperor has such a method!"

Daojun Xunfeng had a gloomy face, with both resentment and jealousy in his eyes.

No matter what method Qin Yi relies on, this means that Qin Yi has the possibility of threatening his life.


Daojun Xunfeng wanted to take a shot at Qin Yi, but suddenly his face turned pale, and the wound he had healed showed signs of collapse.

This is because the duration of the Xunyuan Eight Seals has ended.

Without a strong force to suppress, the injuries he suffered broke out. He did not dare to neglect, and quickly used the power of his origin to suppress his own injuries.


Waves of terrifying power came out from the body of Monarch Xunfeng Dao.

"Dao hurt..."

Daojun Xunfeng's face suddenly became ugly to the extreme, and he found that the injuries he had suffered were much heavier than he thought.

There is even a trend of development of imperial injury.

If he leaves a road wound, he will probably follow in the footsteps of the patriarch of the Qilin clan.

Coupled with the outbreak of the sequelae of Xun Yuan’s eight seals, the monarch of Xun Feng Dao did not care about Qin Yi’s opponents, concentrating on suppressing his injuries, and did not dare to relax.

Qin Yi didn't care about Monarch Xunfeng, but instead focused on an existence in the dark.

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