Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3539: The elder of the Qilin tribe, the elder of the **** Yan

"Sir, why don't you show up?"

Qin Yi stared at the depths of the chaos, and said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, all the strong people present were taken aback.

Only the two elders and other giants of the heavens have guessed, with a solemn expression, their heads drooping, and a trace of awe on their faces.

"As expected to be the Lord of the Fallen, the inheritor of the Seven Prison Gates, even the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods have suffered a loss in your hands. This insight is far not comparable to ordinary people, it is comparable to the quasi-tianzun."

An ancient and vicissitudes of life floated from the depths of the void.

At the same time, an invisible wave escaped, and the surging chaotic turbulence quickly returned to calm. The void that was originally broken by Qin Yi and the two clashed with each other returned to the previous scene.

Just a word, seal the world!


A lotus platform with countless **** patterns inscribed like a blue-black colored glaze floated out.

The green-black lotus platform swallowed and exhaled the spirit of chaos, and strands of black flame lingered on each lotus petal, and a strand of black flame hung randomly, seeming to burn the world.

It is Qilin Shenhuo.

And on the lotus platform, there was a middle-aged man in black sitting cross-legged on it.

The man has gray hair, a tall nose, a handsome face, and indifferent eyes, giving people a sense of solemnity like a **** and golem sitting cross-legged in a temple.

"I have seen the old man!"

Seeing the middle-aged man, the second elder and other giants did not dare to neglect, and bowed respectfully.

The Tianjiao of the Qilin tribe knelt down and bowed their heads respectfully.

Even the Monarch of Xunfeng Dao was arrogant and bowed, not dare to be rude.

This one is the elder of the Kylin tribe, one of the only quasi-tians of the unicorn tribe, the Qingtian white jade pillar of the unicorn tribe, and the Taoist monarch of God Yan.

"The elder of the Qilin tribe, the Lord of God Yan Dao?"

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes and recalled listening to Feng Wei's record about this one.

According to legend, the years of this godly monarch's enlightenment have long been elusive. He is the oldest existence of the Qilin tribe. It is said that he is a figure of the same era as the true ancestor of the Qilin.

According to the internal division of the Kylin tribe, Shenyan Daojun can even be called the seventh ancestor of the unicorn tribe, juxtaposed with the strongest of the unicorn tribe such as the second ancestor of the unicorn tribe.

Although it is not like the true ancestor of the Qilin and the second ancestor of the Qilin tribe, it was conceived from the Great Dao of Heavens, and naturally occupies a trace of power in the Dao of Heavens.

However, there are records in the Kylin tribe that this tribe is always conceived by the true ancestor of the unicorn with his own blood, and is regarded as the son of the true ancestor of the unicorn.

After the ancestor of the Qilin disappeared, it was once regarded by the Qilin tribe as the most likely to become the strongest Qilin tribe.

It's a pity that countless epochs have passed, and the Taoist Lord of God Yan still failed to achieve Tianzun.

However, no one would underestimate this **** Yan Daojun, even the king of the heavens and gods, and would not underestimate this one.

The long years have allowed Shenyan Daojun to practice in the realm of Zhuntianzun for too long and too long, allowing him to accumulate too much heritage.

There were forces that set up a ranking of the quasi-tians, collecting all the quasi-tians in the heavens and ten thousand realms, and dividing a list according to the strength of the strength.

Although in the end, this power was destroyed because it angered many quasi-tians, including the quasi-tians behind this power, was also killed.

This list has been recorded by someone with a heart.

Shenyan Daojun is ranked 30th in this ranking of quasi-tians, overwhelming a group of quasi-tians.

You must know that the Zhuntianzun list only includes 36 strong Zhuntianzun, and every Zhuntianzun who can be on the list is a strong one among the Zhuntianzun.

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