Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3541: Heavenly Sovereign Three Tribulations

With Cai Yulei's cultivation base, it was not that he could not push the gate of Tianzun to achieve Tianzun, but that he could not knock the gate of Tianzun yet.

Tianzun is supreme, occupies a source, and travels with authority.

But the three thousand avenues of the heavens and ten thousand realms, the source of each avenue, can only be occupied by one person, that is, only one deity will be born from each avenue.

If there are practitioners occupying a source in advance, then the latecomers will no longer have the possibility of breaking through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and can only be trapped under the Heavenly Sovereign.

Unless Tianzun, who occupies a source, falls, the latecomers will have the possibility of breaking through.

If Cai Yulei pushes the gate of Tianzun, he will inevitably alarm the quasi-tianzun powerhouses who practice the path of death. These quasi-tianzun powerhouses will inevitably attack Cai Yulei and prevent Cai Yulei from enlightening.

This is the so-called robbery.

There are three calamities in the achievement of Tianzun, the thunder robbery, the great robbery and the human robbery.

The most difficult part of the Three Tribulations is the Human Tribulation. A quasi-tianzun will stop him, and if he is not careful, he may fall into his hands.

Of course, this is not to say that Tianzun Thunder Tribulation and Great Dao Tribulation are easy to get through.

Tianzun Thunder Tribulation can be compared to Chengdi's Thunder Tribulation. Those who cross the Tribulation need to experience the baptism of Thunder Tribulation before they can become enlightened.

However, Tianzun's Thunder Tribulation was more terrifying than Chengdi's Thunder Tribulation.

As for the great tribulation, it is necessary for practitioners to be able to withstand the three-questions of the avenue, and withstand the impact of the avenue with the heart of the Tao, in order to survive this disaster.

According to legend, in the Primordial Era, the Great Way of the Heavens was more active, and the difficulty of crossing the Tribulation of the Heavenly Lord's Thunder Tribulation and Great Way Tribulation was greater than it is now, and even more difficult than crossing the Tribulation of Human Beings.

After all, during the Primordial Era, the heavens and ten thousand realms had just been born, and Zhuntianzun was not too much, and the competition was not too fierce.

However, as time went on, the number of quasi-celestial venerations in the heavens and worlds increased, and it became more and more difficult to survive the calamity.

From the great road to the public, the difficulty of the human robbery increases, and the difficulty of the thunder robbery and the great robbery of the heavenly sovereign is also reduced.

Nowadays, human calamity has become the most difficult calamity of the three calamities.

After Cai Yulei came to the heavens and all realms, he had already passed the Path of Death, and noticed that the quasi-tianzun who practiced the Path of Death, many of them were extremely ancient.

Because of Cai Yulei's cultivation base, facing the siege of these quasi-tianzun, he would be stretched.

Therefore, Cai Yulei will temporarily postpone the pace of opening the gate of Tianzun.

Compared with Shenyan Daojun, Cai Yulei is naturally better.

After receiving Cai Yulei's reply, Qin Yi relaxed. With Cai Yulei present, he was not afraid of Daojun Shenyan's action.

"Shen Yan Taoist monarch is absurdly praised, I just rely on the benefits of the emperor's soldiers, the true cultivation base is not worth mentioning."

Qin Yi smiled.

"Why should the emperor humble himself? If even the emperor is not worth mentioning, then how can the Baiwu kings of the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire feel like it? The Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire has damaged a lot of powerful people in the non-falling Emperor Dynasty.

Moreover, the emperor uses the ability of a clone to fight across five realms, even relying on foreign objects, it is amazing. "

Shen Yan Daojun smiled slightly and exclaimed to Qin Yi.


Daojun Sunda, who was healing, heard the conversation between Qin Yi and Qin Yi, his eyes widened slightly, and his mouth was particularly bitter.

It was just a clone who came here, and Qin Yi almost beheaded him.

The gap between him and Qin Yi is far greater than he imagined.

Moreover, He is not a fool.

He could hear that the old man was calling him. At this time, how could he not understand that he underestimated Qin Yi and underestimated the imperial court.

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