Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3542: Doppelganger exposure

"In just a few years, Qin Yi and Buluo Emperor's dynasty has undergone such a change."

Jun Xunfeng Daojun secretly gritted his teeth, a little unbelievable.

After reaching the seventh level, the difficulty of the practitioner's cultivation becomes more difficult, the cultivation base is stagnant, and it is common to step in place for several epochs.

If he cultivated from the seventh to the ninth realm, it took dozens of them, close to a hundred epochs.

In just a few years, the strength of Qin Yi and the Buluo Emperor, logically speaking, would not have changed much, which is why he didn't care about Qin Yi and the Buluo Emperor at first.

Who knew that he almost took his life because of this and fell into Qin Yi's hands.

"No, it is impossible for Qin Yi and the Emperor Buluo to make earth-shaking changes in a few years, unless the strength is hidden from the beginning."

A thought flashed in the mind of Lord Xunfeng Dao, and soon, this thought occupied his mind.

When I think of Qin Yi's Wanlingzhen Shizhong, Slaying the Immortal Gourd, and Qin Yi may be the heir of the Seven Prisons, he is also amazed.

If Qin Yi is the inheritor of the seven prison gates, then it is reasonable to hide his strength.

After all, the Seven Prison Gates were annihilated by the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods, and if the Ten Thousand Ways of Gods knew the existence of the Seven Prison Gates, they would definitely fight.

But what surprised Xunfeng Daojun the most was that according to the old man, Wan Dao Shenchao suffered a lot from the hands of the Emperor Buluo.

This is the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty, the most powerful force in the heavens and all realms.

At this time, he knew how unwise he was to hit Qin Yi this time.

Even the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty suffered a big loss in the hands of Qin Yi and the Buluo Emperor. With his small body, how could he compare with the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Dynasty.

Moreover, if it hadn't been for the great clan elder to help him withstand Qin Yi's just now, I am afraid that at this time, he would have fallen into Qin Yi's hands.

'Ugh! ’

Daojun Xunfeng sighed in his heart, knowing that it was impossible for the old man to help revenge.

As for revenge against Qin Yi by himself, that is even more impossible.

In desperation, he could only give up the idea of ​​revenge against Qin Yi.

Although unwilling, but it can only be so.

He is very clear about what to do and what not to do. In this situation, knowing that he is not as good as the other party, giving up revenge is the best choice.

"Shen Yan Daojun, good eyesight!"

Qin Yi stared at Lord Shenyan and couldn't help but admire.

Although his clone was formed by his incarnation with five-star supernatural powers at the beginning, it has long been beyond the barriers of ordinary clones under his continuous cultivation.

There are also the secrets of Zhanxian Gourd and Wanling Town Shizhong's suppression. Generally speaking, few people except Tianzun can see the details of this clone.

Shenyan Daojun can see through the details of this clone, how can Qin Yi not be surprised.

"The emperor does not need to be surprised. In your battle against the Ten Thousand Dao Gods, you can compare with the strength of the Ninth Stage emperor, and your clone only has the fourth stage cultivation base, which makes people have to doubt it."

Shenyan Daojun said with a smile, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

The exquisiteness of Qin Yi's clone is impressive. In fact, he didn't see any difference at first.

Even with Qin Yi's acknowledgment now, he still didn't see any difference.

"That's it."

Qin Yi smiled freely, Shen Yan Daojun didn't see through the essence of the eternal clone, but guessed it, which was beyond his expectation.

However, these are just minor details, don't worry too much.

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