Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3555: Alliance

There is no way, Shenyan Daojun can only silence the Qilin Clan while doing his best to cultivate the Qilin Clan Tianjiao.

Countless years have passed, but initial results have been achieved.

Many arrogances of the Kirin tribe have gradually grown up.

However, it will take some time before the many Tianjiao of the Qilin tribe can truly grow up.

It takes a long time for the Qilin Clan Tianjiao to truly grow up, at least several, or even dozens of epochs.

During this period, the Kylin tribe is likely to be still in decline.

"The declining situation of the unicorn clan has made the power of the unicorn clan less and less powerful.

Take the tribe of Pan Mastiff as an example. In the past, the tribe of Pan Mastiff was surrendered to the Qilin tribe, but now, the tribe of Pan Mastiff dares to oppose the Qilin tribe. "

The Lord of God Yan Dao sighed, his tone full of loneliness.

In the heyday of the Kirin tribe, the tribe of the three pan mastiffs was so well-behaved as a husky in front of the unicorns, they did not dare to bark their teeth at all.

However, after the decline of the Kylin clan, the first to attack the Qilin clan was the tribe of Pan Mastiff.

The giants of the Qilin clan who died in the hands of the three Panmastiff clan are no less than four. This can be described as an endless feud.

Among them, there are many reasons why God Yan Daojun deliberately showed weakness, but the death of four tycoons of the Qilin tribe also made the Qilin tribe hurt.

This made Shenyan Daojun full of hatred for the three Panmastiffs, and he wanted to use the power of the Qilin Temple to destroy the three Panmastiffs.

Unfortunately, He cannot.

The Kirin clan can be compared with the true dragon and true phoenix clan at its peak, but in the same way, the opponents of the Kirin clan in its heyday are all top powers of the same level.

However, the powerhouses of these forces are scrupulous about the Qilin ancestors who have not fallen yet, and dare not really fight the Qilin clan.

However, some suppression and temptation have never stopped.

For example, the tribe of the three-piece mastiff is a chess piece used by a certain force to test the Qilin tribe, and the tribe of the three-piece mastiff is also willing to be this chess piece and a vicious dog.

Faced with such a temptation, Lord Shenyan could only choose to give in.

If he used the foundation left by the true ancestor of the Qilin, he might be able to destroy the tribe of Pan Mastiff, but this would only make the situation of the Qilin tribe even more difficult.

Not only will it consume the foundation left by the true ancestor of the Qilin, but it will even anger the many forces behind the tribe of Pan Mastiff, using more intense means.

The current Kylin tribe is too fragile in the face of these powerful forces.

This is also the reason why Shenyan Daojun allowed the three Panmastiff clan to continue to exist, and even continued to kill the Qilin Clan Tianjiao.

One, in order to show the enemy's weakness, the two are also to find an opponent for the Qilin family's Tianjiao.

With the existence of the external pressure of the three Panmastiffs, the growth rate of the Qilin tribe's many arrogances can also be much faster.

"Daojun, if you have anything, you might as well speak up."

Hearing the sentimental words of Lord Shen Yan, Qin Yi's expression remained unchanged, but instead looked at Dao Lord Shen Yan with a smile.

At the invitation of Lord Shenyan, he came to this Qilin Temple to gather, not to listen to Lord Shenyan's plight, he didn't have such idle time.

With this time, he might as well take Qin Yaya back to the imperial imperial dynasty.


The words of Qin Yi's direct and direct communication made Shenyan Daojun a little embarrassed, and he couldn't help but smile: "The emperor is really quick to talk, and the old man will not be ambiguous. The old man hopes that the Qilin tribe can form an alliance with the Buluo Emperor."


Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Daojun Shenyan with a little surprise.

He was also a little surprised at the request of the Taoist Lord Shenyan. He had thought that the Taoist Lord Shenyan would look for him. It might be because of Master Lingtian, or because of the Daoist Xunfeng.

But I never thought it was because God Yan Daojun wanted to form an alliance with the Buluo Emperor.

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