Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3556: The reason for the alliance

"Daojun, you should understand that Buluo's current situation and forming an alliance with Buluo will not benefit the Qilin tribe."

Qin Yi's eyes flashed, and he didn't answer the Lord God Yan directly.

Earlier, during the battle in the Eastern Frontier, the Buluo Emperor Dynasty seemed to be awe-inspiring.

But in fact, in this battle, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty had already offended Ten Thousand Dao Shenchao to death.

Although Qin Yi didn't care, in the eyes of the outside world, it was not the case.

The Emperor Buluo has offended the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Kingdom, and sooner or later, the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Kingdom will greet revenge. Don't look at the fact that the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire has not expressed anything, but everyone knows that this is the tranquility before the storm.

As soon as the time comes, Ten Thousand Ways of God will inevitably raise thunder and anger.

Facing the thunder of Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty, how can the Emperor Dynasty stop it?

In the eyes of many forces, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty was just relying on the remaining avenues to seal the town and barely linger. As long as the avenue was sealed and the town disappeared, the Emperor Buluo dynasty would inevitably fall into the hands of ten thousand gods.

In this case, the Buluo Emperor dominated most of the eastern frontier, and there were not many forces that were willing to have contact with the Buluo Emperor.

Not to mention, make an alliance with the Buluo Emperor.

Qin Yi was surprised at the request of the Taoist Lord Shenyan. After all, outsiders didn't know that Qin Yi had a system plug-in.

Therefore, he wanted to know why God Yan Daojun treated him, no, it should be said that the Buluo Emperor was so confident and wanted to form an alliance with the Buluo Emperor.

"Why should the emperor humble himself? In the eyes of the old man, the rise of the imperial dynasty is inevitable. After all, there is a quasi-tianzun who is not far from the heavenly realm beside the emperor."

Shenyan Daojun smiled slightly, and his gaze glanced towards the void somewhere like nothing.

This is why he wants the Qilin tribe to form an alliance with the Buluo Emperor.


Qin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he let out a laugh from the bottom of his heart.

The reason is actually here.

Qin Yi had previously worried that the strong Qilin tribe might be disadvantageous to him, so Cai Yu stood by his side, carefully guarding the strong Qilin tribe.

Even now, Cai Yulei was hidden in the void not far from him.

At such a close distance, it was reasonable for Shenyan Daojun to find Cai Yulei's traces. After all, Shenyan Daojun was a strong quasi-tian.

Unexpectedly, the act was originally just for his own safety, but it was the **** of the gods, who had the idea of ​​forming an alliance with the Buluo Emperor.

"However, it is not a bad thing to form an alliance with the Kylin tribe."

Qin Yi squinted his eyes slightly, and seriously thought about the proposal of Lord Shenyan.

Forming an alliance with the Kylin clan will not do any harm to the imperial dynasty for hundreds of miles.

The Kylin tribe has been standing in the central realm for countless years. They are the oldest group of forces in the central realm. Even if they are now in decline, they are not comparable to ordinary forces.

Apart from others, the Qilin Clan's background is far superior to other forces.

For example, Grandmaster Lingtian is an existence that cannot be cultivated by ordinary forces, and forces such as the Ten Thousand Dao Shen Dynasty are all scarce talents.

And things like cultivation techniques, martial arts supernatural powers, etc. that are not missing from the imperial dynasty, all the Qilin clan have.

If the imperial dynasty does not form an alliance with the Qilin clan, these things will have a chance to obtain.

"This Daoist, why not show up for a while."

Just as Qin Yi was thinking about it, Shenyan Daojun bowed his hand toward the void where Cai Yulei was, and wanted to invite Cai Yulei to appear.

The reason why he valued Qin Yi, or that he did not fall into the emperor's dynasty, was because of this quasi-tianzun.

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