Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3557: God Yan Taoist thoughts

As early as Shenyan Daojun appeared to stop Qin Yi, he had noticed the existence of Cai Yulei.

Even if he only dimly perceives the breath of this quasi-tianzun, he is still frightened, and the horrible death aura that seems to swallow the entire heavens and worlds makes him unable to help his mind and strength.

As a veteran Zhuntianzun, it is not that Shenyan Daojun has never seen Zhuntianzun who practiced the path of death, but those Zhuntianzun are far less pressured than Cai Yulei.

Moreover, Cai Yulei was already tainted with a slight aura of perfection that detached himself from the heavens, as if he could become immortal at any time.

Shenyan Daojun knew very well that this was an external manifestation of Cai Yulei's about to break through Tianzun.

Before long, Cai Yulei may be able to open the gate of the Heavenly Sovereign, control the origin of the Great Dao, and reach the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

"There is a Tianzun sitting in town. Even if the imperial dynasty is not the opponent of the ten thousand gods, it is impossible to be razed to annihilation by the ten thousand gods.

Shenyan Daojun's eyes flickered, thinking in his heart.

Whether or not Tianzun sits, this is a rigid criterion for judging whether a power is qualified to stand on top of the heavens.

If a power has a heavenly sovereign, it can become the top power of the heavens and all realms in a single leap, living above the nine heavens, overlooking the great world, sitting and watching the battles of the major forces, and they can stand tall.

As long as it doesn't fall like the Seven Prison Heavenly Sovereign, the power of the Heavenly Sovereign's seat is impossible to be destroyed.

In the eyes of Shenyan Daojun, the Buluo Emperor Dynasty occupies the eastern frontier, and there is the existence of the road to seal the town, and Cai Yulei has enough time to break through the Tianzun.

In addition to the fact that the Avenue of Death Qi is not occupied by anyone, Cai Yulei can completely occupy the source of the Avenue of Death Qi before the Tianzun who practiced the Avenue of Death Qi, and achieve the goal of Tianzun.

As long as Cai Yule breaks through Tianzun, the imperial dynasty that does not fall will be able to become a great power comparable to the gods of the Ten Thousand Dao dynasties.

If the Qilin tribe can form an alliance with the Buluo Emperor at this time, after the rise of the Buluo Emperor, with the support of the Buluo Emperor, the situation of the Qilin tribe will also be much better.

Even to get rid of the current predicament, there is no problem.

As for the alliance with the Buluo Empire, it may offend the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire.

There will be gains if you pay.

If the Qilin tribe wants to form an alliance with the Buluo Empire, it is worthwhile to take a little risk and get the full support of the Buluo Empire in the future.

If you don't even dare to take this risk, how can the Qilin tribe lean on the big ship of the Buluo Emperor?

Waiting for the imperial emperor to be promoted to the **** dynasty in the future, the Qilin tribe can get much less in return.

Thinking of this, Cai Yulei had a certain heart, and he was determined to pay attention to discussing the alliance with Cai Yulei in detail, and it would be better to finalize it.

"No, you can discuss everything with the emperor."

However, Cai Yulei's voice was cold and didn't mean to show up.

"For everything, just discuss with the emperor?"

God Yan Daojun was taken aback, pondering the meaning of Cai Yulei's words in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Qin Yi was just the puppet that Cai Yulei pushed to the stage. The reason why he respected Qin Yi was to give Cai Yulei face.

But now it seems that he is different. The relationship between Qin Yi and Cai Yulei is not based on Cai Yulei, but Qin Yi.

With such a change, his attitude towards Qin Yi would naturally change.

"The emperor, the Buluo Emperor's alliance with the Qilin clan will benefit the Buluo Dynasty more than its disadvantages, and not only the two sides can help each other.

Moreover, the old man knew that the Buluo Empire had just risen, and the formations, refining tools, and alchemy were still in short supply. If an alliance was formed, the Qilin Clan would be willing to help the Buluo Emperor to fill in this aspect. "

Shenyan Dao Junqing said sincerely.

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