Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3563: Kirin Monument


In the sky, Wu appeared an amazing spectacle.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a sacred mountain straight into the sky, as if to break through the sky, breaking through the void universe, and falling into this world.


When this sacred mountain entered this world, the whole world was sinking, and the chaotic chaotic current was directly suppressed.

Not only that, the gravity in this world seems to have been affected, soaring hundreds of times, the speed of spiritual energy flow slowed down, and the speed of wind and cloud flow is almost stagnant.

The countless creatures in this world, even under this weight, lay humblely on the ground, unable to move at all.

If it weren't for the cultivation base of the creatures on this side, most of them were above the realm of heaven and human. I'm afraid they would be crushed into meat sauce when they appeared on the mountain.

"this is?"

Qin Yi raised his eyes and looked at the mountain, his spirits shocked.

From this sacred mountain, he felt an aura that was not weaker than the World Clock of Wanling Town, no, this breath was stronger than the World Clock of Wanling Town.

You must know that the World Bell of Wanling Town is the source of more than ten thousand semi-finished imperial artifacts of Master Lingtian, and the re-casting of the quasi-tianzun implements. The origin is strong and far surpasses the ordinary quasi-tianzun implements.

The breath of this sacred mountain is stronger than Wanlingzhen Shizhong.


The sacred mountain is majestic, with a height of more than tens of millions of meters, and it seems to contain countless time and space, one side is big and one thousand worlds, up and down.

"No, it's not right, this is not a mountain, but a stone monument!"

Suddenly, Qin Yi's expression condensed, and he saw that something was wrong.

Look closely, where is a mountain, but a stone monument.

There are countless ancient gods inscribed on it, and some invisible knowledge, history, etc. are recorded in words that ordinary people cannot know.

It also seems to be intertwined with endless doctrines and principles, acting out the changes of the great avenue.

"Kirin God Monument."

At the first sight of this stone stele, a piece of information naturally fell into his mind, allowing Qin Yiming to understand the name of this stone stele.


Qin Yi looked at it carefully, and it seemed that through the Qilin Divine Stele, he saw an ancient and powerful existence.

There is a figure that drives the divine fire of a unicorn and burns out the heavens; there is a figure imperial emissary with nine days of cold light, and the ice-covered void is hundreds of thousands of miles away; there is a figure that urges the sun and the moon to shine, and candles illuminate the world...

Even Qin Yi saw the figure of the Taoist Lord Shenyan and the figure of the Taoist Xunfeng on the stone tablet!

The horrible auras intertwined one after another, motivating different avenues.

This is the rhyme from the strong Qilin clan!

"Record the rhyme of Dao with a stone tablet, and use Dao rhyme to temper yourself. If it can accommodate the Tao of the magnates of the heavens, it may be used to transcend the barriers of the quasi-tianzun."

Qin Yi folded his arms around his chest, with a look of interest on his face.

His current vision is so high that there are not many things that can interest him. The unicorn monument in front of him has aroused his interest.

The essence of this unicorn monument is very extraordinary, and it is made of high-grade materials.

Although it looks grayish and not very eye-catching, in fact, this material is probably more precious than most of the top-tier materials.

After all, not all materials can carry the charm of many giants.

Yes it is.

On the monument of Qilin God, there is the great rhyme left by the powerful men of the Qilin tribe among the giants of the heavens.

The reason why Qin Yi felt that the origin of the Qilin Monument surpassed the Wanling Town Shizhong because of the great rhyme left by the giants of the Qilin clan.

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