Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3564: limit

According to Qin Yi's speculation, almost all the Qilin clan experts who broke through the seventh realm have engraved their own Taoist rhyme on the Qilin God Tablet.

"It's a tricky path, some detachment similar to the way of heaven."

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Because of the existence of the Heavenly Dao clone, he is very clear about the path of Heavenly Dao's strength promotion.

Generally speaking, the Dao of Heaven in the One Thousand Worlds wants to strengthen one's own origin, transcend the Middle Thousand Worlds, and transform into the Dao of the Great Thousands of Heaven.

Apart from devouring other avenues, the best way is to cultivate the creatures in your own world.

For example, if the Heavenly Dao clone wants to strengthen its origin, it can cultivate the creatures in the Tianyao Continent.

When a strong person proves Dao emperor in Tianyao Continent, part of Dao Yun will naturally fall into the hands of Heavenly Dao clone.

The Heavenly Dao clone integrates this part of Dao Yun into one's own body, which is to strengthen one's own origin, and the stronger the stronger, the more the Tiandao clone's origin will be obtained.

As long as enough powerful Dao Yun is incorporated, the Heavenly Dao clone can be transformed into the Great Thousand Heaven Dao, and its combat power is comparable to the Xuxian Tianzun.

Of course, it is also a way to plunder the entire world like the Seven Hells of Heaven, limit the number of powerhouses in your own world, and support yourself with the resources of the entire world.

It's just that this kind of path is generally impossible for heaven to follow.

The Seven Prison Great World itself was created by the Seven Prison Heavenly Lord himself, and it may evolve into a Great Thousand World.

In addition, the Seven Prisons World has enough remaining Seven Prisons Powerhouses, and there is no need for these Seven Prison Gates powerhouses to continue to grow. It is only necessary for these Seven Prison Gates powerhouses to break through the emperor, and it is enough for him to mutate into the Great Thousand Heavens Dao.

On the contrary, if these seven prison gate powerhouses continue to break through, they will compete with him for the origin of the seven prisons.

Therefore, the Seven Prisons and Heavenly Dao will set the Heavenly Dao seal to restrict the many emperors in the Seven Prisons Great World and break through the realm of the giants of the heavens.


This topic is a bit farther away.

This unicorn monument takes the path of the ordinary heavenly way, offering the body with the powerful Taoist rhyme of the entire unicorn tribe, so as to complete the transformation of one's body and transform it into a heavenly weapon.

"This unicorn monument seems to have embarked on a path of transformation, but unfortunately, the decline of the unicorn clan has also broken the possibility of continued growth of the unicorn monument.

Unless the Kylin clan can re-emerge, it can continue to grow. "

Qin Yi commented lightly.

The path taken by the Qilin Divine Stele is the same as that of Heaven, whose evolution is entirely dependent on the rise and fall of many creatures in its own world.

The same is true for the unicorn monument. The evolution of the unicorn monument depends on the rise and fall of the unicorn tribe.

The stronger the Qilin clan, the faster the Qilin Monument will transform, and it can transform into a Heavenly Sovereign Tool at a speed far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

But as long as the Kylin clan falls into decline and the number of strong men born within the clan decreases, the evolution of the Qilin monument will naturally come to a standstill.

As it is now, it is so.

The decline of the Kylin tribe has made it impossible for the Kylin Monument to continue to evolve.

Otherwise, the Qilin God Monument at this moment might have already transformed into a Heavenly Sovereign Tool.

It is a pity that the Qilin Monument is contaminated with the Taoist rhyme of too many Qilin people. If you want to continue to grow, you must absorb the Taoist rhyme of the Qilin people.

If a strong person of other races leaves Dao Yun on the Qilin Monument, the Dao Yun will only be excreted by the Dao Yun left by the Qilin Clan, and will not turn into the origin of the Qilin Monument.

"If there is a gain, there must be a sacrifice. If the Qilin monument is transformed into a heavenly weapon by trickery, it will naturally be subject to corresponding restrictions."

Qin Yi smiled.

From the great road to the public, there is no real trickery in the heavens and the world.

There are tricks, there will be corresponding restrictions, of course, except for the system of a certain emperor.

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