Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3566: Covenant oath

The sky above.

The **** monument hangs high, suppressing the eternity.

At the moment when the Qilin Divine Stele appeared, the ancient and vast aura instantly filled the world, covering hundreds of millions of lives.

The turbulent chaotic current was also suppressed in an instant.

"The Kirin Clan is the top power of the heavens and ten thousand realms in the past, and its internal heritage is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine."

Qin Yi couldn't help but sigh.

For practitioners, the older the stronger, this is an unchanging truth.

On the path of practice, the former will occupy a lot of advantages, and the practice time is long, and they can accumulate more powerful mana and original power.

Of course, this is just a gap in accumulation, and the true combat power is not just a strong division of mana and origin power.

But the advantages of this, undeniable, are real.

For example, countless practitioners set foot on the same road and competed for the only position in charge of this road.

If there is a predecessor who takes the first step, occupying the source of this avenue, and achieving the Heavenly Sovereign, then it will block the possibility of the latecomers breaking through the Heavenly Sovereign realm.

Unless someone can use the quasi-tianzun realm and counter-slash the heaven-sovereign realm, it is possible to prove the Dao Tianzun, but is such a thing possible?

Don't say that the quasi-tianzun Nizhan Xuxian Tianzun, it is that the quasi-tianzun can fight against the strong of the tianzun realm. There has not been such an example in the countless years of the heavens and the world.

Below the Heavenly Sovereign, and the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, they are simply two completely different realms, and the two are completely different from each other.

Tianzun realm is different from emperor realm.

A quasi emperor who has cultivated into the three extreme realms can compete with the emperors who have entered the emperor realm for the first time.

But no matter how a quasi-tianzun practiced, unless it broke through, it would not be qualified to contend with the imaginary heaven-zun.

A breath of Tianzun is enough to change all the cognition of the creatures under Tianzun.

The great road leaped down, and everything that the creatures under the heavenly master knew, the void, the law, the great road... etc., were no longer everything they knew well.

The left you think may be the right, up, and down; the fire you think may be ice, thunder, or light... All the rules you are familiar with have long been subverted.

How can the creatures under the Heavenly Venerate contend with the Xuantian Tianzun?

Or the Tianzun who occupies this avenue was killed by other Tianzun towns, otherwise, the trailblazers would never have the opportunity to prove the Dao Tianzun.

This is the advantage of the first mover, the older the stronger.


This sentence is also applicable to the major forces of the heavens and all realms.

As an ancient force that has stood in the central realm for countless years, the Kirin tribe’s background is not comparable to other ordinary forces.

Such as the Qilin Temple, such as this unicorn monument, are all imperial soldiers that can suppress a family's background.

There are few first-rate forces in the central realm that can have this foundation.

Although the Kylin clan is declining day by day, it can be seen that the giants of the heavens who can break through the seventh realm will continue to be extinct from generation to generation.

This is the foundation of the ancient forces.

"Emperor, please!"

After calling out the Qilin Divine Stele, the Taoist Lord Shen Yan looked at Qin Yi with a serious expression.

Qin Yi stepped forward and stepped into the void, standing side by side with God Yan Daojun.

"Wu, the elder of the Kylin tribe, the **** of the gods, take the Qilin monument as an oath, and I hope that the Qilin tribe and the Buluo Emperor will form an alliance, keep watch and help each other, and rely on each other.

If we violate it, we will be plagued by the demons of the heart, the Qilin monument will be destroyed, the Qilin clan's powerful witnesses, and the heavens will learn from it. "

God Yan Daojun showed a serious face, shouted loudly, and used the power of the origin to provoke the Great Dao of the heavens and make the oath of the heavens.

Every time a word is uttered, the Great Avenue of the Heavens will roar.

A word that blooms divinely will also emerge.

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