Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3567: The shock of the strong Qilin tribe

The big characters are floating above the sky, blooming brightly.

The text beads are like gold hooks and silver marks.

When Shenyan Daojun spit out the last word, these words were finally written into a contract, which was suspended in the air.


At the same time, the avenue made a huge roar, and this contract was also blurred and merged into the avenue.

The avenue trembled, and the imprint was dropped, which were respectively integrated into the eyebrows of King Dashenyan and the Qilin monument.


The unicorn monument lightly shook, and hundreds of millions of radiant rays of light fell down.

It is like a round of rising sun, pouring endless light and heat!

The boundless celestial light is extremely majestic, majestic and ancient, rendering hundreds of millions of miles of frosty sky, and illuminating eternal time and space.

The avenues belonging to the strong Qilin clan emerged from the void, entangled with each other, and inherited the marks of the great avenues of the heavens.

For a time, as long as it is a strong person in the seventh realm of the Qilin Clan, no matter where he is, he will receive the information from the Great Dao of Heaven.


"The Qilin tribe and the Buluo Empire form an alliance?"

"Isn't the Buluo Emperor the overlord of the Eastern Frontier? When did it have contact with my clan?"

A strong Qilin clan asked questions, some of which were unclear.

Even with the help of the Qilin Divine Stele, some giants of the Qilin clan who were not in the Qilin clan also manifested their own divine mind clones.

"What is the Dazu elder doing? The Buluo Emperor has offended the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire, and it will inevitably be annihilated by the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Kingdom afterwards. Why does the Dazu elder conclude an alliance with the Buluo Emperor?

How unwise! "

Some giants of the Kirin tribe expressed their hidden concerns. They were not optimistic about the conclusion of the alliance between the Kirin tribe and the Buluo Emperor. They believed that the move of the gods and monarchs dragged the unicorns into the fire pit instead.

Like many powerhouses in the heavens and ten thousand realms, in the eyes of many Qilin clan powerhouses, the Emperor Buluo Dynasty has already stepped into the abyss.

If you offend the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire, how can the Emperor Dynasty continue to exist without falling?

Even if it is now lingering on the remaining avenues to seal the town, in the future, only when the avenues are completely closed, the imperial dynasty that does not fall will inevitably be annihilated by the ten thousand gods.

At this time, it is undoubtedly a disaster for the Qilin tribe to form an alliance with the Buluo Emperor.

With the overbearing character of the Ten Thousand Gods, it may not necessarily be angered by the Qilin Clan. By then, the Qilin Clan will be in an embarrassing situation.

After all, in the current decline of the Kylin clan, offending the Ten Thousand Dao Divine Empire is undoubtedly looking for death!

"The Qilin tribe has formed an alliance with the Buluo Emperor..."

Among the giants of the Kylin tribe, the look of the Monarch of Xunfeng Dao is still complicated.

Not long ago, Qin Yi almost beheaded him, but in a blink of an eye, he changed and became an ally of the Qilin tribe, leaving him out of reach.

However, He also knew that the choice of Lord God Yan was not wrong.

After Qin Yi and Shenyan Daojun left, he also inquired about the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, knowing the recent achievements of the Buluo Emperor Dynasty, and even the Ten Thousand Dao God Dynasty was defeated by the Buluo Emperor Dynasty.

Through Chu Muqing's mouth, he knew that Qin Yi was following a quasi-tianzun.

Reminiscent of God Yan Daojun's advice to him, and the current alliance with the Buluo Emperor, all kinds of behaviors made him faintly guess the purpose of Shen Yan Daojun.

Although he didn't want to admit it, everything was clearly just as he had guessed.


Lord Shen Yan sighed in his heart.

He naturally did not give up the idea of ​​avenging Qin Yi, but in the current situation, he can only hold this hatred deeply in his heart, and no longer reveal the slightest.

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