Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 3615: The dominance of Yuanli Mojun

Regardless of whether it is talent or strength, Tianhuo Daojun is not weak.

In the case that the deity once fell, relying on the back hand of the clone can still cultivate to the eighth stage, and even break through the ninth stage.

Such a talent, in the imperial dynasty of Buluo, is estimated to be in the top ten.

If you can use it for your own use, it may not be impossible to cultivate it as a quasi-tianzun, or it cannot break through, and it can also increase the background and combat power of the imperial dynasty.

You must know that the Emperor Buluo Dynasty has risen too fast after all, and the combat power above the seventh stage is much inferior to other big forces.

Except for Cai Yulei, Jin Chanzi is the only one who has reached the ninth level.

Although Niu Demon King, Monkey King and others can compete with the overlords of the Ninth Realm, they only have the cultivation base of the 7th Realm.

If the Heavenly Fire Daojun can be subdued, it can also be regarded as a complement to the foundation of the Emperor Buluo Dynasty at the level of the ninth realm of the overlord of the heavens.

‘If you have a chance, do your best. ’

Qin Yi smiled.

Although he valued the Heavenly Fire Daoist, he was not too persistent.

If Tianhuo Daojun is willing to worship the imperial imperial dynasty and drive him, this is naturally the best, if not, he will not force it.

As Qin Yi's thoughts flowed, the scene changed again.

"Opportunities of the five great realms? Hahaha, interesting, the remains of Dayan Daojun are clearly in my world of wild demons, and they belong to my great power of wild demons!"

Hearing Tianhuo Daojun's words, Yuanli Mojun laughed.


Yuan Li Daojun’s laughter was not high at first, but when he said the last sentence, his voice suddenly rose, as if the sound of heaven was clear.

It was like countless thunders exploding, and the universe and stars exploded.

For a time, the endless devil energy and vitality were squeezed into one piece, and then burst together, raising a billowing wave of devil energy.

At a glance, it was like a world-destroying frenzy coming.

There are thousands of miles in the void, and this moment is like the sea surface in a violent storm, setting off layer after layer of ripples like water waves.

It seems to be broken at any time!


The vast sound wave, engulfed by the terrifying power that was difficult to deal with, swept over the area where the Heavenly Fire Daojun and others were located.


The Heavenly Fire Daoist did not dare to neglect, agitating the original power of the whole body, suppressing the powerful sound waves that swept through.

However, as soon as he touched him, the expression of the Heavenly Fire Daoist changed drastically, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, and the whole person directly forced back dozens of steps, which stopped his body shape.

Anyone with a discerning eye would know that in this collision, the Heavenly Fire Daoist fell in the wind.

Yuanli Demon Lord, this one is the only ninth realm overlord of the heavens in the strong barbaric demon clan, and his cultivation is so deep that he is not inferior to Heavenly Fire Daoist Lord.

If it is outside the Zhenmoyuan, Heavenly Fire Daoist may not be the opponent of Yuanli Daoist.

However, the Great World of Barbarian Demon is located in the eastern frontier, and there is the existence of great roads and towns. Tianhuo Daojun is suppressed by the great roads, and his strength is not 30-40%.

However, the demon of Yuanli is blessed by the wild demon world, and the two are superimposed, how is the opponent of the demon of Yuanli?

He didn't lose the first time, he was already a deep cultivation base of the Heavenly Fire Daoist.

With the current state of the Yuanli Demon Lord, not to mention the Heavenly Fire Daoist alone, even a few more Heavenly Overlords from the Five Great Realms could suppress it.


The aftermath dissipated, and some of the emperors with weak cultivation base beside Tianhuo Daojun couldn't resist the invasion of sound waves at all, and the whole person was directly blown out.

It was like a scarecrow in the violent wind, being torn and flying out, smashing through layers of void.

Some emperors were even directly shattered by sound waves, their bodies and souls, turned into countless blood and pieces of meat, splashed out, and those who died could no longer die.

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